MIIT > Research > University Research Laboratories and Centres
University Research Laboratories and Centres
Name of Centre (Laboratory)
Head of Centre (Laboratory)
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
”Information security” competence centre of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Nikolai N.Putsko
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
”Cutting edge technologies” united research and test centre of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Yuriy N.Aksenov
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
Test centre of railway transport equipment of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Valeriy I.Kondrashenko
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
”Micro-processor systems of traffic interval control” research laboratory of the R&D implementation centre of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Igor V.Belyakov
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
Sector of marketing and development of R&D implementation centre of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Michael N.Toropov
Research institute of transport and transport construction (NII TTS)
Research and training centre for bridges and transport structures of the Research institute of transport and transport construction
Vadim K.Matveev
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Centre for competences development in the field of information technologies and transport management of the Institute of management and information technologies
Serguei P.Vakulenko
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Research and engineering centre of transport technologies of the Institute of management and information technologies
Serguei Y.Petrov
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Research and training centre of innovative technologies of transportation process, intellectual systems of traffic control and integrated transport safety and security
Nina A.Kovalenko
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Innovative technologies of production and economic processes management” research and training innovative centre
Igor N.Shapkin
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Industrial technologies and cost-effective use of resources on transport” research and training centre, “Industrial technologies” centre
Vladimir M.Fedin
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
”MIIT-EXPERT” research and training centre of the Institute of management and information technologies
Andrey V.Semin
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Independent integrated transport research” research and training centre
Alexey V.Kolin
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Freight and commercial activities” research laboratory of the “Logistic transport systems and technologies” chair
Veronica E.Nutovich
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
”Automated electric traction traffic control” research laboratory of the “Control and informatics in technical systems” chair
Leonid A.Baranov
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
“Electric safety on railway transport” research laboratory of the “Electric engineering theoretical basics” chair
Boris I.Kosarev
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
“Quality of electric power on railway transport” research laboratory of the “Electric engineering, metrology and power engineering” chair
Yuriy G.Spivak
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
Research cryogenic laboratory of the “Track and track facilities” chair
Alexander M.Cherkassov
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
“Track testing” research laboratory
Alexander V.Zamukhovsky
Institute of economics and finance (IEF)
”Transport innovations economics” research laboratory
Nadezhda M.Shishkina
Institute of economics and finance (IEF)
”Business process simulation and modeling” research laboratory of the Institute of economics and finance
Vladimir G.Dedov
Russian open transport academy (ROAT)
Research sector of the Russian open transport academy
Eduard K.Letsky
Russian open transport academy (ROAT)
“Labour organization, compensation and motivation” research and training centre of the “Transport economics, finance and management” chair
Lydia V.Shkurina
Russian open transport academy (ROAT)
Branch centre for health, safety, fire protection and environment of the Russian open transport academy
Vladimir A.Aksenov
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Higher school of management” centre for innovative training programmes
Serguei P.Vakulenko
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Centre for development of infrastructure, technologies and terminal and transport hubs business of the Institute of management and information technologies
Pavel A.Egorov
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Environmental audit centre of the “Chemistry and ecological engineering” chair
Tatyana A.Zemlyanskaya
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
“Integrated laboratory for road surfacing, soil and backfill” research and training laboratory
Vaagn V.Saribekyan
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
Innovative centre for development and introduction of materials for transport construction of the Institute of track, construction and structures
Petr M.Tokarev
Institute of legal studies (ILS)
Research laboratory of forensic enquiry of the “Criminal law subjects” chair
Alexander I.Ushakov
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
Data processing centre of the Institute of management and information technologies
Alexander G.Natalevich
Institute of management and information technologies (IUIT)
“Innovative technologies of traffic safety management” research and training centre
Alexander S.Maximov
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
Research and production centre for rolling stock repair technology and equipment of the “Transport machine building and rolling stock repair technology” chair
Dmitry G.Evseev
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
Research laboratory “/ “Dynamics and durability of electric rolling stock” research laboratory of the “Electric traction” chair
Vladimir A.Konovalov
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
“Rail car testing” research laboratory of the “Rail cars and rail car facilities” chair
Yury A.Shmyrov
Institute of transport engineering and control systems (ITTSU)
“Rail transport automation and telemechanics” research laboratory of the “Rail transport automation and telemechanics” chair
Igor V.Belyakov
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
“Geoinformational and satellite technologies on railway transport” research and training centre of the “Geodesy, geoinformatics and navigation” chair
Igor N.Rosenberg
Stanislav I.Matveev
Institute of track, construction and structures (IPSS)
“Innovative technologies in motor road designing, construction and repair” research and training centre
Alexander M.Podgorny
Russian open transport academy (ROAT)
Branch analytical centre of the Russian open transport academy
Victor A.Bugreev
Russian academy of railway engineering (RAPS)
“Reliability and quality” centre for non destructive testing of the Russian academy of railway engineering