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MIIT > To Applicants > Transport of the Future Contest

Transport of the Future Contest

Official announcement

On the Contest

Transport of the Future

(version for foreign participants)

Moscow Nicholas II State University of Railway Engineering, hereinafter referred to as MIIT University, with the support of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation as well as of Federal Railway Agency, Federal Air Transport Agency and Federal Sea and Inland Water Transport Agency, and together with non-profitable organization «Association of transport universities» organizes in 2016 the first Contest of youth research and project works “Transport of the Future”. The Provisions of the Contest are posted at the page «Legal papers» in Russian and English version is annexed below.

The Organizing Committee invites school and high schools’ scholars, all youth aged between 11 and 19 years (incl.), except for the students of higher schools and universities, to participate in the Contest.

The Contest is held for two types of entries:

  • working models, patterns (prototypes, layouts, maquettes), models of proposed new machinery or processes related to transport (type of Contest: “Working models and patterns”);

  • contest in the form of written projects on topics of improving transport equipment and technology, containing features of innovation proposals (type of Contest: “Project works”).

One could participate in any type of contest, either projects works or working models and patterns or in both of them, under the condition that no results are cumulated and each contest work is considered separately

The Contest is divided in 10 nominations that are uniform for all modes of transport, but are separate for the two types of Contest entries.

For the type of the Contest “Working models and patterns” nominations are:

  • models of promising vehicles and their components;

  • models and patterns of transport infrastructure;

  • technological tools of transportation support (automation, signaling, dispatching, scheduling, etc.).

For the type of the Contest “Project works” nominations are:

  • fundamentally new transport systems;

  • urban and regional transport and transportation;

  • new transport vehicles;

  • resource saving for transport;

  • power engineering and electrical engineering;

  • transport automation, telemechanics (remote control engineering), robotics and intelligent systems;

  • transport and quality of life (well-being), social and economic aspects of transport industry.

In all those nominations age categories are established for which winners are determined separately:

  • from 5 to 8 grade (inclusive) (up to 16 years);

  • from 9 to 11 grade (or up to 19 years inclusive).

The Contest provides for individual participation and for collective (team) participation (the team members should be within the same age category; otherwise age category is defined by the age of the eldest participant).

The 2015-2016 edition of the Contest is held by two stages according to the following timetable (as exception to Provisions):

- selective (regional) stage is held form March 1 till April 14, 2016. The entries are considered by regional juries established for some regional entities of Russian Federation; best works are selected for the final stage. The results of the regional stage will be announced before April, 21.

- final stage event with personal appearance and allocations (except individual cases agreed upon with the Central Jury) of preselected participants will be held in Moscow, in MIIT University gymnasium (secondary school) in May, 12-13, 2016.

Beginning from 2016-2017 edition the Contest will be held according to the timetable stipulated in its Provisions.

The procedure of applying and sending Contest entries, as well as technical requirements to their editing, are stipulated in the Annex 2 to the Contest Provisions (see page «Legal papers»/ Нормативные документы for Russian language and below for English language).

On the proposal of the Organizing Committee approved by the chairpersons, the Contest 2015-2016 is declared open as a pilot project to foreign participants in all nominations but if their works concern mainly rail transport. The applications should be addressed under the same conditions as applied to Russian participants, but e-mailed to the Central Jury by e-mail transport.future@gmail.com before April, 15. Languages of application are Russian and English. Applications of foreign participants concerning other modes of transport and written in other foreign languages can be considered on individual basis depending on the availability of respective facilities of the organizing committee. The Organizing Committee will consider opening the Contest to foreign participants at a full scale beginning from the next edition 2016-2017 which will be held in the dates described in the Provisions (September 2016 – May 2017).

In case of inquiries the contact persons are available for e-mails at above mentioned electronic mail address.

Provisions. Transport of the Future (engl.):