The aim of the program is to train specialists in accordance with international quality standards of economic education. The program is accredited by the International Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and allows passing 9 out of 14 qualification exams during the training period. Highly qualified ACCA-qualified teachers implement the program. The program includes master classes by leading experts from various industries, as well as serious language training (Business English). This program will be interesting for people who want to be leaders in the profession and successfully build a career in financial or managerial accounting, international financial reporting, financial management, and audit.

  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • Performance Management
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Audit
  • Risk Management
  • Corporate Reporting
  • Business Analysis
  • Financial Management (advanced course)
  • Effective Management
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • Audit Service STEC LLC
  • JSC Gazprombank
  • Ernst & Young LLC
  • Chief Accountant
  • Head of accounting departments in large international companies
  • Financial Analyst
  • Specialist in International Financial Reporting Standards
  • Head of tax departments of an economic entity
  • Tax auditor
  • Head of management accounting departments
  • Auditor
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • PJSC TransContainer
  • Leasing company TransLiz LLC
  • Ernst & Young LLC

The program allows you to choose one of the trajectories of in-depth study after the first semester of study: economics or finance.

Two leading departments of the Institute of Economics and Finance implement it jointly.

Forms the foundations and practical skills of competent management of financial and economic activities of a transport company.

Features of the educational process:

A balanced set of fundamental and applied academic disciplines, qualified teaching staff, modern material and technical base and innovative approaches to learning guarantee the receipt of classical high-quality education, based on which you can build your further development in any direction: work in a company or study at MBA, postgraduate, doctoral programs.

  • Brand management in transport
  • The company's information architecture
  • Compliance
  • Corporate intelligence
  • Logistics fundamentals of transport system management
  • International logistics
  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • International financial settlements
  • Research methods in economics
  • Business valuation
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Professional writing
  • Risk management
  • Departments of economics, finance and logistics of leading Russian and international companies
  • Departments, branches and subsidiaries of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Business in the field of transport and logistics services
  • The bodies of state regulation and control of the economic activity of the transport business
  • Deputy Director for Economics and Finance
  • General manager
  • Financial Director
  • Logistics Specialist
  • Leading Economist
  • Specialist in project activities
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "Federal Passenger Company"
  • JSC "Federal Cargo Company"
  • JSC "Institute of Economics and Transport Development", etc.

The aim of the program is to train economists with modern competences demanded by employers, which allow organizing and implementing economically efficient activities of companies participating in the transport business and other spheres of economy.

  • Economics of industry complexes
  • Budgeting in railway transportation
  • Strategic planning
  • Economics of Innovations
  • Life cycle assessment of technical systems
  • PJSC TransContainer
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Federal Railway Transportation Agency
  • Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for Railway Transportation
  • Economist of the 1st category
  • Leading engineer
  • Specialist of the 1st category
  • Technologist
  • Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • PJSC TransContainer

The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified executives in the field of investment and construction activities. Mastering the program will allow to obtain fundamental knowledge in the field of innovation economy, to form practical skills to determine the operational and strategic efficiency of business and management of the company's value, as well as to learn how to solve a wide range of tasks related to the creation, transformation of construction objects in order to increase their value.

  • Innovation economy
  • Technologies of digital economy development
  • Real Estate Economics
  • Development
  • Company Value Management
  • Investment analysis of construction projects
  • Project financing
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • Sevial CIT LLC
  • Head of economic services
  • Head of analytical, estimate and contractual, investment, production and technical departments
  • Head of strategic planning departments of investment and construction complex organizations
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • Moscow City Construction Department
  • PJSC Mostotrest

The ability to solve complex problems in the field of financial accounting, analysis and tax audit in organizations is quite important, because this specialty is one of the most demanded in the labor market. Graduates of the program acquire professional skills that allow them, based on accounting, analysis and audit data, to make the most effective decisions for the company, financial strategy and ensure economic and tax security.

  • Accounting and financial accounting
  • Audit of economic activity (advanced level)
  • Tax planning and forecasting
  • Tax audit
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (advanced level)
  • International Standards of Audit
  • Financial analysis
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • PJSC Mostotrest,
  • Audit Service STEC LLC
  • Departments of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Main Computer Center - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Zheldoruchet Corporate Accounting and Reporting Center - a branch of OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC Gazprombank
  • Big Four companies
  • Accountant
  • Analyst
  • External and internal auditor
  • Head of financial, tax and economic services
  • Financial and tax consultant
  • Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation,
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • PJSC TransContainer
  • JSC ZheldorRemMash
  • TransLiz Leasing Company
  • Corporate University of Russian Railways

The combination of serious theoretical training on the problems of the labor market and the behavior of its main subjects, practical methods and tools of modern quantitative analysis of economic processes in the field of labor and human resource management make this program unique. This program prepares specialists capable of analyzing and managing labor processes both at the macro level - the level of public administration, and at the level of the organization.

  • Modern labor economics
  • Modern methods of motivation and stimulation of personnel
  • Effective labor organization
  • Labor standardization at the enterprises of the industry
  • Organizational development
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • PJSC TransContainer
  • RedBulruss LLC
  • 1C Company
  • Labor Economist
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager
  • Engineer on labor organization and standardization
  • Labor payment specialist
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • Moscow Metropolitan State Unitary Enterprise

The program is aimed at training professionals in the field of financial planning, economic diagnostics and perspective modeling of transport company's activity taking into account risk factors of modern realities.

Special attention is paid to the application of information technologies in the field of financial management, development of data analysis skills.

The program "Financial Planning and Analysis in Railway Transport" was developed jointly with the Department of Corporate Finance of OJSC "Russian Railways", which makes it unique on the educational services market.

  • Financial management in transportation companies both in the field of freight and passenger transportation and in the field of transportation complex infrastructure management
  • Financial modeling of activities
  • Formation of a system of key financial performance indicators (financial analytics) taking into account the specifics of the type of activity
  • Financial risk management
  • Organization of financial control

The program prepares specialists and managers:

  • economic and financial departments, investment divisions of transportation companies
  • structural subdivisions, branches, departments and subsidiaries of the Russian Railways holding company
  • Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • CJSC South Caucasus Railway

The program is aimed at training professionals in the field of economic management of production processes, investment and financial activities, asset management, risk management.

The program is based on the study of business processes of the real sector of the economy, including companies operating in the market of transport and logistics services, management of the infrastructure complex.

  • Microeconomics (advanced level)
  • Macroeconomics (advanced level)
  • Economic Analysis
  • Investment management
  • Taxes and taxation of enterprises
  • Economics of organizations
  • Financial management at the enterprise
  • Enterprise Planning
  • Cost management
  • Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor

Practice is organized by the Department of "Economics, Finance and Management in Transport" in the performance of research and consulting work.

  • Specialist and manager in the economic, financial, investment division of a company
  • Specialist and manager in consulting, investment, insurance and credit organization
  • Financial analyst
  • System analyst
  • Accountant

The diploma allows you to work:

  • in the structures of legislative and executive power, state security bodies, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments of districts, cities and subjects, control and audit departments for subjects, treasury bodies, tax service territorial tax authorities. customs authorities
  • in internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional securities market participants and other organizations performing transactions with cash or other property
  • in information and analytical departments of state and commercial companies, providing financial and economic security of the enterprise, collecting and processing information on market conditions, production technologies, etc.
  • in the sphere of individual entrepreneurship; creation of own business, etc.

A master's degree in the direction of training "Economic Security" will be able to solve various types of professional tasks:

  • in the structures of legislative and executive authorities, state security bodies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, antimonopoly service, economic security and anti-corruption units, control and audit departments for the subjects, treasury bodies, tax service, customs authorities; in the internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional securities market participants and other organizations performing transactions with cash or other property;
  • in information and analytical departments of state and commercial companies, providing financial and economic security of the enterprise, collecting and processing information on market conditions, production technologies, etc.

A specialist diploma allows you to work:

  • Legislative and executive authorities, state security agencies, economic security and anti-corruption units of police departments of districts, cities and constituent entities, control and audit departments of the constituent entities, treasury authorities, tax service, territorial tax authorities, customs authorities
  • in internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional securities market participants and other organizations performing transactions with cash or other property
  • in information and analytical departments of state and commercial companies, providing financial and economic security of the enterprise, collecting and processing information on market conditions, production technologies, etc.
  • in the sphere of individual entrepreneurship; creation of own business, etc.
  • Ministry of Transportation
  • Moscow Infrastructure Directorate - structural subdivisions of the Central Infrastructure Directorate - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"