Today one of the most important activities is product certification and development of standards for new technologies of products and processes. The work includes quality assessment, quality management system audit, and development of standards (GOST).

Students will learn during studies:

  • scientific approaches in the field of standardization and certification;
  • legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on the order of development, design, approval and implementation of standards;
  • documentation on standardization and certification;
  • state system of standardization and certification of products and services;
  • unified system of design preparation of production;
  • a unified system of technological preparation of production;
  • procedure of normalization control, calculation of the level of standardization and unification of technical documentation;
  • methods of drawing up technical specifications for the development of standards and other documents on standardization;
  • the order of development of standards and other documents on standardization;
  • the procedure for product certification in the Russian Federation;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of standardization and certification.

Our specialty guarantees fast career growth. This is because the labor market is not saturated with these specialists while the need to develop standards for new products is increasing.

  • Collection and analysis of proposals for the development of national and interstate documents on standardization from departments of the organization
  • Preparation of technical tasks for the development of national, interstate documents on standardization
  • Formation of working groups for the development of national, interstate documents on standardization
  • Coordination of activities of the organization's subdivisions on standardization issues
  • Control over implementation of standardization work plans, ensuring compliance with established deadlines, identifying deviations and taking measures to correct detected deviations
  • Certification bodies, standardization, metrology, industrial safety departments of enterprises and organizations
  • Testing laboratories and centers
  • Quality services of enterprises and organizations
  • Technical Policy Department of OJSC Russian Railways and its structural subdivisions, including international and national transportation companies
  • Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and its subordinate organizations
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"