We train highly qualified masters who are able to plan and implement the organization of multimodal transportation of both goods and passengers on the basis of integrated transport systems, who possess systematic and program-oriented approaches to design and operation in transport, methods of making informed and highly effective decisions in practical activities related to the development of logistics infrastructure within integrated transport systems.

  • Transport and logistics interaction of multimodal transport
  • Managing the lifecycle of infrastructure facilities
  • Organizational and functional structure of transport and logistics systems
  • Logistics infrastructure design
  • Gefest Insurance Joint Stock Company
  • JSC "Rosneft Oil Company"
  • Joint Stock Company for oil Transportation "Transneft"
  • SibUgleMetTrans LLC
  • Transgarant LLC
  • Sibur-Trans CJSC, etc.
  • Multimodal Transportation Manager
  • Logistician, etc.
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "FPC"
  • Directorate of high-speed communication
  • Commuter passenger companies
  • JSC TransContainer
  • PJSC "First Cargo Company"

Program's mission is to form a new generation of highly qualified competitive and customer-oriented specialists in the field of transport planning and transportation process management in transport systems.

Master's program "Train management and Transport Planning" is an educational project of IMDT, which includes a full range of disciplines on the widely spread in the world practice specialty "Transport planning".

The program includes mastering corporate competences of transport industry management and competences of technological process of transportation activity and innovative strategic development of transport.

Internships are available at large transportation and logistics companies and public transportation companies.

Graduates of the program will have the opportunity to work in both the public and private sectors, in large transport and logistics companies.

Graduates of the master's program in transportation planning develop a holistic view of the transportation system in which the planner is able to analyze transportation problems and design solutions to them at various levels

  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "FPC"
  • Directorate of High – Speed Communication
  • Suburban passenger companies

Preparation of competitive highly qualified master's degree specialists, capable of analyzing, identifying and forming the optimal transport strategy of the company in the conditions of globalization and development of digital technologies, possessing knowledge of methodological and instrumental tools in the field of logistics infrastructure.

Masters who have mastered the educational program will be able to create, structure and maintain logistics business processes in a market economy using digital logistics technologies. Make sound organizational and management decisions, assess their effectiveness and ensure their implementation.

  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • First Freight Company (Freight One), Federal Freight Company (Freight One)
  • Independent Transportation Corporation
  • PJSC TransContainer
  • National logistics company Itella
  • FMLogogistik and other logistics companies and 3PL providers
  • promptly select methods and tools to manage identified logistics risks
  • use strategic planning methods to develop a commercial policy for the provision of freight transportation logistics services in the digital economy
  • critically analyze problem situations on the basis of a systematic approach, develop a strategy of action
  • organize and manage the work of a team, developing a team strategy to achieve the set goal

The program is developed in accordance with the RUT (MIIT) educational standard and professional standards. Along with the teaching staff, highly qualified industrial specialists and scientists of railway transport carry out the implementation of training. The program provides a solid theoretical knowledge in the field of technology of transport processes and infrastructure development of transport system, acquisition of practical skills in the organization of multimodal transportation, mastering the methodology for assessing the quality of transport services. Graduates gain knowledge in digital control technologies for various modes of transportation.

  • Development of measures to improve multimodal transportation management systems on transport
  • Realization of the enterprise strategy in order to achieve the highest production efficiency and quality of works
  • participation in fundamental and applied research in the field of professional activity
  • development of plans, programs and methods of research
  • analyzing research results and developing proposals for their implementation
  • development of efficient transport and technological systems for cargo delivery under conditions of digitalization
  • analyze the state and dynamics of quality indicators of objects of professional activity using the necessary methods and means of research
  • creation of models that allow to predict the properties of objects of professional activity
  • justifying the application of new digital technologies
  • state institutions of federal and regional level
  • organizations and enterprises of various types of transport engaged in passenger and cargo transportation, loading and unloading operations
  • transportation and logistics companies
  • logistics services of production and other organizations; freight forwarding enterprises and organizations; marketing departments for the study and maintenance of the transport services market.
  • research and design organizations
  • educational institutions of higher education
  • Joint Stock Company Research and Design Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communication on Railway Transport (SRIAC JSC)

The relevance of the program lies in the increasing demand for the quality of transport services, which set an increasingly high level of requirements for the quality of professional training of managers and specialists involved in projects for the development of transport systems and urban logistics. The program "Agglomeration Transportation Systems" is aimed at training highly qualified managers and specialists in the design of transport systems, transport planning and modeling.

  • Introduction to Transport Science
  • Transport planning in agglomerations
  • Digital and low-carb transformation of the transportation industry
  • Legal regulation in the transport systems of agglomerations
  • Traffic flow modeling, basic and advanced level
  • Planning and management of public transport systems
  • JSC "Russian Railways"
  • Institute of the General Plan of Moscow
  • Data center, etc.

Possible places of work:

  • Public authorities and public administration of the transport complex
  • Expert-analytical and consulting organizations in transport
  • Organizations of the transport complex, etc.

Graduate professions:

  • Project Manager for Transport Planning
  • Project Manager for the development of transport infrastructure
  • Expert/consultant in the field of development of transport systems of agglomerations and logistics in cities, etc.
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • Moscow Parking
  • Moscow Metro
  • Mosgortrans
  • Mostransproject
  • Data center, etc.