This direction prepares specialists in the field of environmental management and audit, capable of complex and qualified to solve scientific, practical and research problems in the field of reduction of environmental risks and management of environmental aspects of organizations' activities both in the transport industry and in other sectors of the economy.

The high level of training of graduates is ensured by the use of specialized modern laboratory equipment, software products and educational and methodological support.

The opportunity to acquire in-depth training in the field of environmental management, helping the future graduate in practice to reduce the negative impact on the environment, reduce production and operating costs, reduce environmental payments and more effectively fulfill the requirements of environmental legislation.

  • Environmental management systems
  • Information technologies in the field of environmental safety
  • Risk management, system analysis and modeling
  • Methods of environmental audit for compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation
  • Mathematical models of environmental impact of hazardous and harmful production factors
  • "Moscow Railroad - branch of Russian Railways)
  • consulting ("Center for Legal Support of Nature Management LLC")
  • research (IFA RAS (Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences))
  • Head of the Environmental and Industrial Safety Department
  • leading ecologist (leading environmental engineer)
  • Leading specialist in environmental and industrial safety
  • carbon manager
  • leading ecologist-designer
  • environmental auditor
  • environmental control inspector
  • Lean Production Development Manager
  • OJSC "Russian Railways" (Central Administration of Railway Stations, Central and Moscow Directorate for Heat and Water Supply)
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • State structures (Rosprirodnadzor, Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region)

Activities on planning, organizing, controlling and improving the occupational health and safety management system. Prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases, reduction of exposure (elimination of exposure) of employees to harmful and hazardous production factors, occupational risk management.

  • Planning, development and improvement of the occupational safety management and occupational risk assessment system
  • Examination of the effectiveness of measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of the occupational health and safety management system
  • Strategic management of occupational risks in the organization
  • Head of Occupational Health and Safety
  • Head of Occupational Health and Safety
  • Head of Occupational Health and Safety Management
  • Occupational Health and Safety Expert
  • Consultant on working conditions and occupational health and safety and occupational risk management
  • Instructor on working conditions and occupational safety and health
  • Deputy head of the organization for occupational risk management
  • Head of the direction (division) for occupational risk management in the organization
  • State labor inspector
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • Federal Service for Transport Supervision - Rostransnadzor
  • Association of organizations engaged in transport safety activities "Transport Safety".
  • Research Institute of Labor Medicine named after Academician N.F. Izmerov
  • Design and Survey Institute of JSC "Mosgiprotrans".
  • FGBOU VO St. Petersburg University of State Fire Fighting Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
  • Siemens Mobility LLC

Anthropogenic safety - direction of training of specialists and managers, ensuring the safety of workplaces and workers, protecting from the influences of industry, technology and human activities. Studying in the magistracy in the direction of 20.04.01 "Anthropogenic Safety" develops system and analytical skills and competencies in the field of enterprise security management. Work in the specialty does not only involve sitting in a stuffy office, so it is interesting for young people who lead an active lifestyle. Technical process allows realizing interesting projects. Real professionals have a chance to participate in this process. Graduates of the anthropogenic safety direction are in great demand at industrial enterprises, as well as in small firms. You will be able to become the head of departments engaged in labor protection, industrial, environmental, fire safety, to develop the green economy of enterprises and offices.

  • Risk Management, system's analysis and modeling
  • Stuff management, talent development framework and occupational safety training
  • Management of labour and technological discipline
  • Economics and security management
  • International experience and innovative security
  • Information technology in the field of security
  • Moscow Railway is a branch of Russian Railways
  • Traction Directorate - branch of Russian Railways (CT)
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways" (CDRP)
  • Federal Passenger Company OJSC
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Hygiene of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
  • Moscow Metro
  • Labor protection specialist
  • Engineer of the labor examination laboratory
  • Expert in special assessment of working conditions
  • Leading occupational safety specialist
  • Leading labor protection engineer
  • Head of the labor protection service
  • Head of the Department of Labor Protection, Environmental, Industrial and Fire Safety
  • Head of Labor Protection, Environmental and Industrial Safety Development
  • Department of Ecology and Technosphere Safety (CBT) - branch of Russian Railways OJSC
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways" (CDRP)
  • All Russian Research Institute of Transport Hygiene of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
  • Research and Production Centre for Environmental Protection - a branch of OJSC Russian Railways