The aim of the program is to train master's degree holders in thermal power engineering for industry, transport and housing and communal services at the level of requirements of the leading universities of the world, capable of conducting research aimed at designing heat power and heat engineering facilities. Professionalism of future masters is ensured by fundamental training in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic, general professional and special disciplines; conditions for the formation of universal and mandatory professional competencies of graduates. In the developed countries of the world the profession of heat power engineering is among the most demanded.

  • Design of thermal power plants and systems
  • Energy utilization efficiency uation criteria and energy audit
  • Ways to increase the efficiency of energy production at thermal power plants with steam and hot-water boilers
  • Energy saving in heat energy transportation and distribution systems
  • Energy-saving measures in the design of microclimate systems
  • PJSC Moscow United Energy Company
  • CJSC Energosantekhproekt
  • Moscow Directorate for Heat and Water Supply, a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate for Heat and Water Supply, a branch of OJSC Russian Railways
  • Russian University of Transport
  • National Research University "MPEI"
  • Specialist in the field of design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of capital construction facilities
  • Design engineer of heating networks
  • Engineer-designer of technological solutions for boiler houses, central heating units and small combined heat and power plants
  • Specialist for preparation of a project to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures and constructions
  • Specialist in energy inspection of capital construction facilities
  • Moscow Directorate for Heat and Water Supply - a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate for Heat and Water Supply - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Oktyabrskaya Directorate for Heat and Water Supply - a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate for Heat and Water Supply - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Federal Service for Supervision of Transportation
  • Public Joint Stock Company Moscow United Energy Company
  • Closed Joint-Stock Company Energosantekhproekt
  • Moscow Railway - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Gorky Railroad - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro

The program is aimed at training Master's degree holders in the profile "Heat power engineering and heat engineering of railway transport and housing and communal facilities". During training, students acquire knowledge, skills and experience in managing the processes of operation and maintenance of heat power equipment and heat power plants.

  • Control of heat and power processes
  • Development of heat energy systems and heat technologies
  • Skills of energy inspection of heat engineering systems and equipment
  • Team management in the field of thermal power engineering

The program prepares employees and senior managers of thermal power and heat engineering enterprises of industry and housing and utilities.

  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • CDTV - branch of OJSC Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"