Artificial Intelligence and predictive analyst is becoming an integral part of transport and industrial activities. Intelligent transport systems using end-to-end technologies allow you to optimize traffic flows, improve route planning, reduce congestion and improve the overall efficiency of transport infrastructure. All this creates a need for specialists who can train AI models, design and implement components of intelligent transport systems.

The master's program developed within the framework of the "Priority 2030" project is aimed at training specialists with the competencies of the full cycle of development of intelligent systems components - from the formation of requirements with the customer to the deployment of the final product at the customer.

The master's program presents a unique combination of fundamental knowledge in the field of Informatics and IT - equipment with modern practical skills in the application of artificial intelligence and data engineering technologies in the transport sphere. It is not just the theory, but you‘ll learn how to create and implement innovative solutions that will change the face of transport tomorrow!

  • Data analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Deep (machine) learning
  • Big data engineering
  • Intelligent transport systems

Students will be able to practice in leading transport companies in Russia, which means that they will get practical skills connected with further professional activities on real tasks.

  • OJSC "RZD"
  • Main Computing Centre - Branch of OJSC "RZD"
  • FSUE "ProtectionInfoTrans"
  • “Business Inform” LLC
  • Developer of intelligent systems for transport
  • OJSC "RZD"
  • Main Computing Centre - Branch of OJSC "RZD"
  • FSUE "ProtectionInfoTrans"
  • "Business Inform" LLC

The aim of the program is to train masters of higher scientific and technical qualification. In the course of training, masters study special subjects related to hardware and software architecture and network topology.

  • Features of construction, application and management of switches and routers.
  • Design methods of scalable networks of different levels.
  • Features of construction of network operating systems.
  • Methods of building networks according to specified optimization criteria.
  • Data protection mechanisms in computer networks.
  • Perspective network technologies, hardware, architectures, protocols and operating systems.
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • Concern VKO Almaz-Antey
  • PJSC Sberbank
  • JSC Tinkoff Bank
  • PJSC Rostelecom
  • Informzaschita JSC

Carrying out scientific research in the field of modern information technologies, creation and maintenance of information systems requiring an advanced level of qualification, teaching activities in various areas of IT-engineering training.

  • Modern trends in the development of computing systems and information technologies
  • Modeling of computing systems
  • Logical neural networks in management and decision making
  • Designing of computer networks
  • Network operating systems
  • Network databases

This major is aimed at training specialists in the field of software product design using cloud technologies, machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence. Students study a wide range of technologies, tools and approaches to software design and development. Students learn the latest tools and approaches as part of their training:

  • DevOps,
  • MLOps,
  • DataOps,
  • Kubernetes,
  • ApacheKafka,
  • YandexCloud,
  • Ansible,
  • Tensorflow,
  • Keras,
  • PyTorch.
  • Ability to develop software products for the corporate sector using artificial intelligence
  • Ability to design software using cloud platforms and virtualization
  • Ability to design and implement artificial intelligence systems based on machine learning libraries
  • Development Manager
  • Cloud Software Developer
  • Data Analytics and Machine Learning Software Developer

The field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the Master's program includes theoretical and experimental research of scientific and technical problems and problem solving in the field of development of technical means and software of computer systems and networks, automated (including distributed) systems of information processing and control, as well as systems of computer-aided design and information support of products.

  • development of working plans and programs of scientific research and technical development, preparation of individual tasks for performers
  • collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on the research topic, selection of methods and means of solving the problem
  • development of mathematical models of the processes and products under study
  • development of methods for designing new processes and products
  • development of methods for automating decision making
  • organization of experiments and tests, analysis of their results
  • preparation of scientific and technical reports, reviews, publications based on the results of the performed researches
  • preparation of assignments for the development of design solutions
  • execution of projects on creation of programs, databases and program complexes of automated information systems
  • development and implementation of projects for the integration of information systems in accordance with methods and standards for product information support, including methods and standards for document management, integrated logistics support, quality assessment of programs and databases, e-business
  • conducting technical-economic and functional-cost analysis of the efficiency of the designed systems
  • development of methodological and regulatory documents, technical documentation, as well as proposals and measures to implement the developed projects and programs
  • designing and application of tools for realization of software and hardware projects
  • development of methods for realization and maintenance of software products
  • development of technical tasks for software design for control and technological equipment of industrial production and their realization with the help of computer-aided design tools

Graduates in this specialty work in cadastral institutions, geodesic and cartographic companies, higher educational institutions, subdivisions of JSC "Russian Railways" and Rosreestr. The Master's program allows applying for managerial positions in both public and private companies.

After graduation from the Master's program, the student may continue his/her studies in the postgraduate program with the subsequent defense of the dissertation.

  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • FGBU FKP Rosreestr