The purpose of the program is to train specialists at the level of requirements of the leading universities of the world, who have the ability to manage construction production, to conduct survey work, to prepare construction work on capital construction objects, to check the completeness of project documentation in accordance with the requirements of construction documentation, plan the need for fixed assets, materials and components to carry out uninterrupted construction works, perform operational and acceptance control of construction projects, and ensure the competitiveness of organizations in the Russian and international markets.

  • Mathematical modeling
  • Information technologies in construction
  • Methods of solving scientific and technical problems in construction
  • Building materials in modern construction
  • Building structures (reinforced concrete, metal, wood and plastics)
  • Architecture and compositional bases of design
  • Computer methods of design and calculation of structures
  • Ecological safety of building materials
  • Economic bases of construction and management in construction
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC "Metrogiprotrans"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • JSC Roszheldorproekt
  • JSC Mosgiprotrans
  • GUP Giprotransput
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC 31 State Design Institute for Special Construction
  • MonArch LLC
  • Construction manager
  • Construction site manager
  • Project Manager
  • Head of Construction Quality Control Department
  • Chief engineer for maintenance of buildings and structures
  • Chief Project Engineer
  • Chief Engineer for Capital Construction
  • Deputy Director for Capital Construction
  • Head of architectural and design organization (department)
  • Head of production and technical department
  • Head of construction control department - technical supervision
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC "Metrogiprotrans"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • JSC Roszheldorproekt
  • JSC Mosgiprotrans
  • GUP Giprotransput
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC 31 State Design Institute for Special Construction
  • MonArch LLC

The purpose of the program is to train specialists at the level of requirements of the leading universities of the world, who have the ability to manage construction production, to conduct survey work, to prepare construction work on capital construction objects, to check the completeness of project documentation in accordance with the requirements of construction documentation, plan the need for fixed assets, materials and components to carry out uninterrupted construction works, perform operational and acceptance control of construction projects, and ensure the competitiveness of organizations in the Russian and international markets.

  • Mathematical modeling
  • Information technologies in construction
  • Methods of solving scientific and technical problems in construction
  • Building materials in modern construction
  • Building structures (reinforced concrete, metal, wood and plastics)
  • Architecture and compositional bases of design
  • Computer methods of design and calculation of structures
  • Ecological safety of building materials
  • Economic bases of construction and management in construction
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC "Metrogiprotrans"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • JSC Roszheldorproekt
  • JSC Mosgiprotrans
  • GUP Giprotransput
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC 31 State Design Institute for Special Construction
  • MonArch LLC
  • Construction manager
  • Construction site manager
  • Project Manager
  • Head of Construction Quality Control Department
  • Chief engineer for maintenance of buildings and structures
  • Chief Project Engineer
  • Chief Engineer for Capital Construction
  • Deputy Director for Capital Construction
  • Head of architectural and design organization (department)
  • Head of production and technical department
  • Head of construction control department - technical supervision
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC "Metrogiprotrans"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • JSC Roszheldorproekt
  • JSC Mosgiprotrans
  • GUP Giprotransput
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC 31 State Design Institute for Special Construction
  • MonArch LLC

Professional competencies in the field of information modeling technologies are key in the management of life cycle processes of the transport infrastructure object and capital construction objects in general. Information modeling of transport infrastructure objects is a new component of digital competencies in transport, both abroad and in the Russian Federation. One of the main advantages of the technology is the improvement of the quality of implemented objects and the possibility to optimize production, cost, organizational and planning aspects of design, construction and operational works.

  • Development and harmonization of digital models of transport objects
  • Investment and digital planning in transportation
  • Organization of object data exchange with the help of digital models
  • Decision making based on digital model data
  • Automated management of construction processes
  • Information modeling technology specialist
  • Project Manager
  • Information modeling technology expert
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • OOO TransProject

The program provides training in promising areas of construction:

  • Mathematical modeling
  • Methodology of scientific research
  • Information technologies in construction
  • Innovative technologies of construction materials and products manufacturing
  • Construction biotechnologies and biocomposites
  • Technology of building construction in special conditions
  • Erection of buildings in extreme conditions
  • Modern tendencies of building materials science
  • Modern methods of research of structure and properties of building materials and products
  • Technology of composite materials
  • Standardization, certification and quality management in building materials technology
  • Techniques and technologies of construction production
  • Project management in construction

Graduates may carry out professional activities in other areas of professional activity and (or) spheres of professional activity.

  • Ability to develop methods, plans and programs for research and development, prepare tasks for performers, organize experiments and tests, analyze and summarize their results
  • Ability to collect, analyze and systematize information on the topic of research, prepare scientific and technical reports, reviews of publications on the topic of research
  • Ability to develop physical and mathematical (computer) models of phenomena and objects related to the profile of activity
  • Possession of methods of fixation and protection of intellectual property objects, management of the results of research activities and commercialization of rights to intellectual property objects
  • Ability, based on the knowledge of pedagogical techniques to participate directly in the educational activities of the structural units of the educational organization on the profile of the training direction
  • Ability to organize, improve and master new technological processes of the production process at the enterprise or site, control over compliance with technological discipline, maintenance of technological equipment and machines
  • Ability to organize setup, testing and commissioning of facilities, samples of new and modernized products manufactured by the enterprise.
  • Possession of methods of organization of safe work, prevention of occupational injuries, occupational diseases, prevention of environmental violations
  • Project Manager
  • department head
  • Chief Civil Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Technical Supervision Engineer
  • Chief Specialist (PTO)
  • Technical Director/Construction Director
  • JSC "Institute Giprostroymost"
  • BIM Academy
  • PJSC "PIK"
  • ADM Special Solutions and Technologies LLC
  • JSC "TsNIIPromstrozdaniye"
  • JSC "31 GPISS"

Students in this program will be able to study:

  • Project and quality management in construction;
  • Technical expertise of objects of housing and communal complex;
  • Methods of control and assessment of residual resource of objects of housing and communal complex;
  • Normative and technical regulation of operational activities;
  • Operational reliability of urban development objects
  • Ability to implement and monitor compliance with industrial safety and environmental protection measures during construction and installation works
  • Ability to organize and manage the construction and technology of construction and installation works at the facilities
  • Ability to develop measures to ensure the safety of facilities
  • Ability to develop measures for repair and operation of industrial and civil construction objects
  • Ability to organize and manage construction and technology of construction and installation works at the objects
  • Head of construction organization
  • Chief Project Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Operation Engineer
  • Technical supervision engineer
  • JSC Mosvodokanal
  • SRO A "Podzemdorstroy"

No facility can be built without examining its cost at various stages and anticipating potential costs. The purpose of this program is to prepare specialists with the ability to provide methodological support for pricing of construction projects, including transport infrastructure facilities at various stages of their pricing life cycle, master the methodology of formation of estimate documentation in the field of construction, conduct expert examination of design documentation, lead the development of new, more effective, pricing methods in the construction industry to ensure the competitiveness of organizations in the Russian and international markets.

  • Pricing in construction
  • Modern problems and technologies of management
  • Modern quality management system
  • Project management in construction
  • International standards of project management
  • Project financing
  • Construction organization project
  • Value Management
  • Real Estate Economics
  • Investment analysis of construction projects
  • Environmental safety
  • Expertise of project documentation
  • Mathematical modeling
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metropolitan"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • Mostotrest
  • PJSC Gazprom
  • JSC Moslift
  • UE "Directorate of the Unified Customer"
  • Miacom LLC
  • JSC Metrogiprotrans
  • JSC Roszheldorproekt
  • Estimating engineer
  • Head of planning and finance department in a construction organization
  • Head of pricing department in a design organization
  • Specialist for expert examination of design documentation in the construction industry
  • Head of methodical department
  • Project Manager
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metropolitan"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • Mostotrest
  • PJSC Gazprom
  • JSC Moslift
  • UE "Directorate of the Unified Customer"
  • Miacom LLC
  • JSC "Metrogiprotrans"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • JSC "Roszheldorproekt"

The Master's degree program "Highway Management" will be interesting for those who want to gain deeper knowledge and master new skills in the field of highway management and their infrastructure. Graduates of this program will be able to manage and plan the construction, operation and repair of highways, as well as conduct scientific research in the field of road construction and highway management.

  • Fundamentals of road activity. Legal foundations of road activity, scientific foundations and technologies, system analysis
  • The basics of management. Management of project activities in the road sector, organization of design and survey activities, control of the condition of facilities, quality management
  • In-depth study to choose. Road safety and security of transport infrastructure
  • FDA "Rosavtodor"
  • Rosasfalt
  • Resin Dornii Project
  • Autobahn
  • Transstroymechanization
  • Mostostroy 11
  • Stroytransgaz Group of Companies
  • Group of companies "ABZ-1"
  • Engineering group "Stroy Project Saint Petersburg"