Training is conducted on the following types of forensic examinations: fingerprint examination, tracological examination, handwriting examination, technical and forensic examination, ballistic examination, examination of cold and throwing weapons, portrait examination, forensic photography and video recording.

  • Conducting forensic examinations in criminal, civil, administrative and administrative cases
  • Production of scientific and technical research of material media in laboratory conditions on the instructions of law enforcement agencies and other subjects of law enforcement activity
  • Participation as a forensic specialist in order to detect, fix, and remove material traces of crimes and other offenses, their preliminary investigation at the scene of detection in order to determine relevance to the event under investigation, obtain investigative information necessary to solve the crime in hot pursuit and put forward investigative versions

Graduates can realize themselves in the forensic units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice, the Investigative Committee, as well as in non-governmental expert units

  • GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District on transport
  • Investigative Committee for the Central Federal District on Transport
  • non-governmental expert institutions