If you want to participate in foreign trade activities, follow in the footsteps of leading customs specialists and have the skills to analyze international standards of customs administration, then you are here. Upon completion of the specialty, graduates are in demand both in the civil service and in international organizations.

  • international customs cooperation
  • foreign experience of customs administrations
  • customs diplomacy
  • customs management
  • digital economy in customs
  • Central Operational Customs
  • Sheremetyevo Customs
  • Central Excise Customs
  • The Cynological Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
  • Logistics company LLC "Shuttle Logistics"
  • Eurasian Economic Commission
  • OJSC "Russian Railways" (center for Customs activities)
  • specialist of international organizations (ECE, UN, WCO)
  • customs official (civil service)
  • declarant
  • specialist in foreign economic activity
  • logistician (international logistics)
  • certification
  • specialist customs expert
  • auditor
  • Central Operational Customs
  • Central Energy Customs
  • Central Excise Customs
  • Moscow Regional Customs
  • Sheremetyevo Customs
  • The Cynological Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia
  • Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Shuttle Logistics Company
  • OJSC "Russian Railways" (center for Customs activities)
  • Licensed customs representative of Transsertico

The specialization is aimed at training erudite specialists who are able to solve complex problems and navigate the dynamically developing digital sector with elements of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the customs and logistics sector.

Specialization provides a full range of knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient both for the effective performance of the functions assigned to specialists in the conditions of intellectual customs, and to meet the needs of professional performance of official duties by the best employers in the field of foreign economic activity and logistics PL operators.

The future specialist must be able to identify and prevent various administrative offenses and criminal offenses when crossing the customs border by various modes of transport, manage customs authorities (conduct planning, analysis and control of activities), use information systems and technologies to achieve the above goals, as well as means to protect information from third parties.

In addition, a graduate of the specialization will be able to carry out documentary support and control of the execution of a foreign trade contract, organize customs and logistics support for foreign trade activities in the context of the use of modern information systems and technologies.

  • economic and legal knowledge and applied skills in the field of customs logistics, information customs technologies and economic security
  • application of information systems, information technologies, software and hardware means of information protection in customs
  • carrying out customs control during customs operations and placing goods in customs procedures, using automated information systems and information technologies
  • customs declaration of goods
  • selection of tools and building an organizational structure to ensure the logistics management processes of organizations participating in foreign economic activity
  • management of the international supply chain
  • Customs official (employee, federal civil servant)
  • Logistics Manager
  • Manager of Foreign Economic Activity
  • Customs Manager
  • Customs Representative
  • Customs Declarant
  • Lawyer of companies and organizations involved in foreign economic activity
  • The bank's specialist in foreign exchange transactions
  • Certification Specialist
  • Auditor
  • Risk Manager
  • Specialist in economic security
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Freight Forwarder
  • Transport Planner
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Commodity expert
  • Central Customs Administration (Central Operational Customs, Central Electronic Customs)
  • Domodedovo Customs
  • Vnukovo Customs
  • Moscow Regional Customs
  • Central Energy Customs
  • Central Customs (Cynological Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia)
  • PJSC "First Cargo Company"
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • JSC "Federal Freight Company"
  • JSC "United Transport and Logistics Company"
  • JSC "Russian Railways Logistics"
  • JSC "Sovfracht"
  • "CTC Company" LLC
  • Alta-Soft LLC
  • Terminal Plus LLC