A special feature of the program is the training of specialists in the field of technical operation of electrical equipment and automation of ships of the marine and river fleet, electrical equipment and automation of drilling platforms, floating diesel and nuclear power plants, as well as specialists for ship repair and shipbuilding enterprises, taking into account the requirements of the International Convention on the Training and Certification of Seafarers and Watchkeeping.

The implementation of the training program in the specialty is carried out by highly qualified specialists with practical experience working on merchant ships and in shipping companies.

  • technical operation of electrical equipment and automation equipment of ships and military auxiliary vessels, including electrical equipment of nuclear power plants
  • technical operation of electrical equipment and automation equipment of hydraulic structures, sea and river ports, ship repair enterprises
  • work at ship repair enterprises, hydraulic structures, in ports; research and design activities in the field of marine and coastal electric power plants, and their elements (main and auxiliary)
  • independent examination of the technical condition of shipboard and shore electrical equipment and automation equipment, including in emergency cases

The most sought-after profession is that of a marine electromechanic, an engineer for operation, automation and electromechanics. If you have this qualification, you can work in the design bureau and various design bureaus and research institutes.

  • PJSC Sovcomflot
  • JSC "North-Western Shipping Company"
  • JSC Murmansk Shipping Company
  • FSUE Atomflot
  • design and research bureaus (institutes)
  • ship repair enterprises
  • drilling platforms
  • floating diesel and nuclear power plants