Building bridges is difficult but important and necessary work, the key is to build bridges, not burn them. The purpose of the program is to develop personal qualities in students, as well as the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in the specialization "Bridges" in the field of: analyzing the state and prospects of construction, determining ways to achieve the goals of the project, modernization of structures and elements, identifying priorities for solving problems in construction and others.

  • Maintenance and reconstruction of bridges and tunnels
  • Dynamics and stability of transportation structures
  • Reliability, load-carrying capacity and reinforcement of bridges
  • Design of bridges and pipes
  • Extracurricular Bridges
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • Triartstroy LLC
  • Union of Railroad Builders
  • Independent Center for Testing Railway Equipment
  • JSC RZDstroy
  • track division engineer
  • engineering specialist
  • bridge foreman
  • bridge crossing design engineer
  • engineer of organizations performing design, construction and monitoring of bridge crossings
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC RZDstroy
  • JSC Transsinzhenerstroy
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • Matess LLC
  • JSC "VSM"

Building bridges is difficult but important and necessary work, the key is to build bridges, not burn them. The purpose of the program is to develop personal qualities in students, as well as the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in the specialization "Bridges" in the field of: analyzing the state and prospects of construction, determining ways to achieve the goals of the project, modernization of structures and elements, identifying priorities for solving problems in construction and others.

  • Maintenance and reconstruction of bridges and tunnels
  • Dynamics and stability of transportation structures
  • Reliability, load-carrying capacity and reinforcement of bridges
  • Design of bridges and pipes
  • Extracurricular Bridges
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • Triartstroy LLC
  • Union of Railroad Builders
  • Independent Center for Testing Railway Equipment
  • JSC RZDstroy
  • track division engineer
  • engineering specialist
  • bridge foreman
  • bridge crossing design engineer
  • engineer of organizations performing design, construction and monitoring of bridge crossings
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • JSC RZDstroy
  • JSC Transsinzhenerstroy
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • Matess LLC
  • JSC "VSM"

Some people have railroading in their blood. Maybe it is for you. By choosing this program, you will have a chance to become a highly qualified specialist of executive and managerial staff in the field of design, construction and reconstruction, maintenance and repair of railway track structures. The future of railroads is in your hands.

  • Railroad track
  • Design and calculations of elements of railroad track top structure
  • Earth bed in difficult conditions
  • Railroad track monitoring
  • Maintenance management of high-speed and high-stress railroad tracks
  • Kirov track distance of the Gorky Infrastructure Directorate, a structural subdivision of the Central Department of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Experimental Track Machine Station No. 68 of Moscow Infrastructure Directorate for Track Repair - a structural subdivision of CDRP - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Central Infrastructure Directorate (CDI) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Moscow Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Infrastructure Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Track and Artificial Structures Service of the Infrastructure Directorate of the Moscow Metro Directorate
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair (CDRR) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Gorky Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDRD - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Northern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Volga Directorate of Infrastructure - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • engineer
  • road foreman
  • track section manager
  • junior researcher
  • vocational teacher
  • Central Infrastructure Directorate (CDI) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair (CDRR) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Moscow Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Infrastructure Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Gorky Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Northern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the CDI - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Volga Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • South-Eastern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Experimental track machine station No. 68 of the Moscow Infrastructure Directorate for Track Repair - a structural subdivision of the Central Department of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Track and Artificial Structures Service of the Infrastructure Directorate of the Moscow Metro Directorate
  • JSC Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC SRIRT)

Some people have railroading in their blood. Maybe it is for you. By choosing this program, you will have a chance to become a highly qualified specialist of executive and managerial staff in the field of design, construction and reconstruction, maintenance and repair of railway track structures. The future of railroads is in your hands.

  • Railroad track
  • Design and calculations of elements of railroad track top structure
  • Earth bed in difficult conditions
  • Railroad track monitoring
  • Maintenance management of high-speed and high-stress railroad tracks
  • Kirov track distance of the Gorky Infrastructure Directorate, a structural subdivision of the Central Department of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Experimental Track Machine Station No. 68 of Moscow Infrastructure Directorate for Track Repair - a structural subdivision of CDRP - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Central Infrastructure Directorate (CDI) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Moscow Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Infrastructure Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Track and Artificial Structures Service of the Infrastructure Directorate of the Moscow Metro Directorate
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair (CDRR) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Gorky Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDRD - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Northern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Volga Directorate of Infrastructure - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • engineer
  • road foreman
  • track section manager
  • junior researcher
  • vocational teacher
  • Central Infrastructure Directorate (CDI) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair (CDRR) - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Moscow Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Infrastructure Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Gorky Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • Northern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the CDI - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Volga Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the CDI - a branch of Russian Railways
  • South-Eastern Infrastructure Directorate - a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Experimental track machine station No. 68 of the Moscow Infrastructure Directorate for Track Repair - a structural subdivision of the Central Department of Infrastructure - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Track and Artificial Structures Service of the Infrastructure Directorate of the Moscow Metro Directorate
  • JSC Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC SRIRT)

During the course of study, students develop both the basic competencies of a railway construction engineer and additional competencies in the following areas:

  • creation of digital models for the design and reconstruction of railway lines;
  • designing railway infrastructure using CAD and TIM;
  • monitoring the path using coordinate methods;
  • preparation of projects and implementation of track repairs by automated track complexes based on VKS and digital repair tasks.
  • Geoinformatics of transport
  • Geodetic technologies in the construction and operation of railway infrastructure
  • Railway Infrastructure Information Modeling Systems (BIM)
  • Fundamentals of the design and maintenance of bridges and other artificial structures on the railway
  • Building structures and fundamentals of building construction
  • Construction production technologies
  • The resistance of materials. Construction mechanics
  • Railway design, construction and operation
  • Soil mechanics. Foundations and foundations. Design and maintenance of the railway roadbed
  • GIS Specialist
  • Geoinformation systems engineer
  • specialist in digital geodetic surveys
  • specialist in digital construction and reconstruction in the field of railway transport
  • geoinformation data analyst
  • CAD designer-BIM on railway transport
  • specialist in railway operation using GIS
  • Central Directorate of Infrastructure of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Scientific Research Institute of JSC "SRIAC"
  • Central Directorate for Track Repair of OJSC "Russian Railways"

The main purpose of the training is the development of students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in the specialization "Construction of mainline railways" in the field of: research, design, construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of mainline railways.

  • Railway surveys and design
  • Railway track
  • Technology, mechanization and automation of railway construction
  • Organization, planning and management of railway construction
  • Management of organizational and technological reliability of transport construction
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • "Mathess" LLC
  • Union of Railway Builders
  • Independent Testing Center for railway Equipment, JSC "SRIRT"
  • Engineer of the track distance divisions
  • Specialist of the Engineering and Technical Department
  • Senior Road Foreman
  • Engineer-designer of mainline railways
  • Engineer of organizations that carry out the design and construction of mainline railways
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC "VSM"
  • "Transputstroy" LLC
  • Vagonputmash LLC
  • "Mathess" LLC

The purpose of the program is the development of students' personal qualities, the formation of general cultural (universal), professional and professionally specialized competencies in accordance with the requirements of HE standards for the specialization "Tunnels and subways" in the field of: analysis of the state and prospects of construction and maintenance of transport tunnels and subways; determination of ways to achieve the goals of the project, modernization of structures and elements of transport tunnels and subways; development of technological documentation for the production, modernization, repair and operation of transport tunnels and subways, compliance with regulatory documents; conducting standard tests and monitoring of transport tunnels and subways.

The use of basic methods, methods of obtaining, storing and processing information in solving professional tasks, including using modern information technologies and software, the ability to design and calculate transport tunnels and subways in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the ability to develop individual stages of technological processes for the construction, repair, operation and maintenance of transport tunnels and subways, to plan and control the technological processes taking place at the same time, the ability to formulate and solve scientific and technical problems in the field of design, construction, reconstruction and operation of transport tunnels and subways; planning and carrying out construction and repair works of transport tunnels on railways and subways; technical regulation in the field of design, construction and operation of transport tunnels and subways.

  • Engineer of metro divisions
  • Specialist of the Engineering and Technical Department
  • The master for monitoring the technical condition of tunnels
  • Engineer-designer of transport tunnels
  • Engineer of organizations engaged in the design, construction and monitoring of transport tunnels and subways
  • Vagonputmash Group of Companies
  • Vagonputmashproekt LLC
  • PEAK "Expert"
  • "Independent Ground Transport Test Center"
  • "Triartstroy" LLC
  • Union of Railway Builders
  • Independent Testing Center for Railway Equipment
  • JSC "RZDstroy"