Currently, high-speed ground transportation is popular all over the world. The program will allow students to study modern technologies of high-speed ground transportation. Future engineers receive fundamental knowledge and skills in electrical and mechanical engineering, training in electrical and mechanical engineering, reliability theory and automatic control systems. Considerable attention is paid to the study of electrical equipment, semiconductor converter technology, traction electric machines, mechanical part of the rolling stock, the features of the design of vehicles with linear motors on magnetic suspension, issues of aerodynamics of rolling stock are considered. The study of methods of computer-aided design of units and systems of the rolling stock, development, justification and implementation of the most modern technical and technological solutions at enterprises engaged in operation, maintenance and repair of the rolling stock is also conducted.

  • Electronic and electromechanical control systems of electric machines of high-speed rolling stock
  • Organization of operation and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Traction electric machines of high-speed rolling stock
  • Parameters and fundamentals of high-speed rolling stock design
  • Systems of automated and microprocessor-based control of high-speed rolling stock movement
  • Locomotive and motorcar depots of the Directorates of Traction and Motorcar Rolling Stock - branches of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Podmoskovnaya depot of the High-Speed Rail Directorate - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Repair enterprises of the companies of LokoTech-Service LLC
  • STM-Service LLC
  • Electric depot of the State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro
  • "Moscow Metro"
  • Mytishchi Machine Building Plant
  • Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Shop foreman
  • Assistant Machinist
  • Research Associate
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC Transmashholding
  • JSC Sinara Transportation Machines
  • Siemens LLC

The educational program of higher education - the program of specialization, implemented at RUT (MIIT) (hereinafter - the University) on the specialty 23.05.03 Railway rolling stock with specialization "Freight wagons" prepares specialists in the field of professional activity which includes: operation, maintenance, design, production, testing and modernization of freight wagons; design of enterprises, technological processes and technical equipment for maintenance and repair of freight cars; development of design and normative-technical documentation. The term of education under the educational program (regardless of the applied educational technologies) in the correspondence form of education is 5 years 11 months.

  • rolling stock design
  • calculation of strength and stability of typical machine parts at different load levels
  • creation of design documentation using computer technologies
  • developing machine designs, using methods of calculating elements and design fundamentals
  • Designing new models of transportation, its units, equipment, assemblies, technological means of equipment and automation, technological processes
  • creation of production design documentation required for modernization, repair and production of transport equipment, modification and production of technological means of equipment
  • ensuring the production of high quality products
  • analyzing the results of production activities and drawing up primary documents that account for working time, production rates and wages

Areas of professional activity and (or) spheres of professional activity in which graduates who have mastered the specialist program can carry out professional activity:

  • Education and science (in the field of scientific research)
  • Transportation (in the field of management, operation, maintenance, repair, design and testing of rolling stock of railroads, rail urban transport and subways, as well as industrial transport)
  • Cross-cutting professional activities in industry (in the field of material processing technologies and non-destructive testing in the maintenance, repair and manufacturing of rolling stock of railroads, rail urban transport, subways and industrial transport, as well as in mechanical engineering)

The following companies employ our graduates:

  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • VRK_2
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC TransMashHolding

Most graduates become railroad engineers and inspectors in the field of safe train operation. It is not for them to hold positions as railcar engineers, railroad engineers, and freight car operation and repair engineers. There is a constant demand for the profession of railcar mechanical engineers. The knowledge gained is also helpful when acting as a specialist in the repair and operation of high-speed ground transportation, rolling stock, freight and passenger cars.

  • JSC Research Institute of Carriage Building
  • Siberian State University of Railway Engineering (Russia, Novosibirsk)
  • Moscow College of Railway Transport RUT (MIIT)
  • Urals Center for Equipment Diagnostics LLC (Russia, Yekaterinburg)
  • VChDE-10 Isakogorka
  • VRK_2
  • Operational car depot Biryulevo VChDE-9, GUP Moscow Metro

The educational program of higher education - the program of specialization, implemented at RUT (MIIT) (hereinafter - the University) on the specialty 23.05.03 Railway rolling stock with specialization "Freight wagons" prepares specialists in the field of professional activity which includes: operation, maintenance, design, production, testing and modernization of freight wagons; design of enterprises, technological processes and technical equipment for maintenance and repair of freight cars; development of design and normative-technical documentation. The term of education under the educational program (regardless of the applied educational technologies) in the correspondence form of education is 5 years 11 months.

  • rolling stock design
  • calculation of strength and stability of typical machine parts at different load levels
  • creation of design documentation using computer technologies
  • developing machine designs, using methods of calculating elements and design fundamentals
  • Designing new models of transportation, its units, equipment, assemblies, technological means of equipment and automation, technological processes
  • creation of production design documentation required for modernization, repair and production of transport equipment, modification and production of technological means of equipment
  • ensuring the production of high quality products
  • analyzing the results of production activities and drawing up primary documents that account for working time, production rates and wages

Areas of professional activity and (or) spheres of professional activity in which graduates who have mastered the specialist program can carry out professional activity:

  • Education and science (in the field of scientific research)
  • Transportation (in the field of management, operation, maintenance, repair, design and testing of rolling stock of railroads, rail urban transport and subways, as well as industrial transport)
  • Cross-cutting professional activities in industry (in the field of material processing technologies and non-destructive testing in the maintenance, repair and manufacturing of rolling stock of railroads, rail urban transport, subways and industrial transport, as well as in mechanical engineering)

The following companies employ our graduates:

  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • VRK_2
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC TransMashHolding

Most graduates become railroad engineers and inspectors in the field of safe train operation. It is not for them to hold positions as railcar engineers, railroad engineers, and freight car operation and repair engineers. There is a constant demand for the profession of railcar mechanical engineers. The knowledge gained is also helpful when acting as a specialist in the repair and operation of high-speed ground transportation, rolling stock, freight and passenger cars.

  • JSC Research Institute of Carriage Building
  • Siberian State University of Railway Engineering (Russia, Novosibirsk)
  • Moscow College of Railway Transport RUT (MIIT)
  • Urals Center for Equipment Diagnostics LLC (Russia, Yekaterinburg)
  • VChDE-10 Isakogorka
  • VRK_2
  • Operational car depot Biryulevo VChDE-9, GUP Moscow Metro

A good engineer should have fundamental knowledge of thermal and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, material science to design, operate and maintain any type of locomotives. The aim of the program is to train engineers to design, operate and maintain autonomous locomotives (diesel locomotives, gas turbo locomotives) of railroads. In the training program, much attention is paid to the study of locomotive power plants - diesel, gas turbine engines; application of energy storage and fuel cells on the rolling stock. In addition, the study of electrical machines and electrical equipment, locomotive control systems, the crew part of the rolling stock, technical and technological solutions at enterprises engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

  • Theory of train traction
  • Theory and design of locomotives
  • Locomotive power plants
  • Electrical transmissions and control systems of locomotives
  • Organization of operation and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Technology of production and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Locomotive and motorcar depots of the Directorates of Traction and Motorcar Rolling Stock - branches of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Podmoskovnaya depot of the High-Speed Rail Directorate - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Repair enterprises of the companies of LokoTech-Service LLC
  • LLC STM-Service
  • Electric depot of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Shop foreman
  • Assistant Machinist
  • Research Associate
  • Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC Transmashholding
  • JSC Sinara Transportation Machines
  • Siemens LLC

A good engineer should have fundamental knowledge of thermal and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, material science to design, operate and maintain any type of locomotives. The aim of the program is to train engineers to design, operate and maintain autonomous locomotives (diesel locomotives, gas turbo locomotives) of railroads. In the training program, much attention is paid to the study of locomotive power plants - diesel, gas turbine engines; application of energy storage and fuel cells on the rolling stock. In addition, the study of electrical machines and electrical equipment, locomotive control systems, the crew part of the rolling stock, technical and technological solutions at enterprises engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

  • Theory of train traction
  • Theory and design of locomotives
  • Locomotive power plants
  • Electrical transmissions and control systems of locomotives
  • Organization of operation and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Technology of production and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Locomotive and motorcar depots of the Directorates of Traction and Motorcar Rolling Stock - branches of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Podmoskovnaya depot of the High-Speed Rail Directorate - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Repair enterprises of the companies of LokoTech-Service LLC
  • LLC STM-Service
  • Electric depot of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Shop foreman
  • Assistant Machinist
  • Research Associate
  • Russian Railways
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC Transmashholding
  • JSC Sinara Transportation Machines
  • Siemens LLC

Comfort, coziness and friendliness are why people like traveling by train. However, what makes us feel this way? It is not just a comfortable bed or pillow, it is so much more: heating, soundproofing, electricity, water and all the little engineering installations that power trains. The program trains railway engineers with analytical and creative thinking for solving various problems in the transport industry at the level of requirements of the leading universities of the world. Fundamental training in the disciplines of the curriculum ensures the professionalism of future specialists.

  • Design and calculation of railcars
  • Digital technologies in professional activity
  • Technology of mechanical assembly production
  • Fundamentals of reliability theory
  • LHFD "Kotlas"
  • VHFD "Yudino"
  • LHFD7 "Saratov"
  • LHFD "Gorky Moskovsky"
  • Michurinsk-Uralsky passenger railcar depot
  • Astrakhan passenger railcar depot
  • Kostroma passenger railcar depot
  • Specialist in mechanical assembly technology in mechanical engineering
  • nondestructive testing specialist
  • passenger train manager
  • train safety auditor
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • LHFD "Moscow 3"
  • LHFD Moscow-Kievskaya"
  • LHFD "Kotlas"
  • LHFD "Yudino"
  • LHFD7 "Saratov"
  • LHRD "Gorky Moskovsky"
  • Michurinsk-Uralsky Passenger Railcar Depot
  • Astrakhan" passenger car depot
  • Passenger railcar depot "Kostroma"

Comfort, coziness and friendliness are why people like traveling by train. However, what makes us feel this way? It is not just a comfortable bed or pillow, it is so much more: heating, soundproofing, electricity, water and all the little engineering installations that power trains. The program trains railway engineers with analytical and creative thinking for solving various problems in the transport industry at the level of requirements of the leading universities of the world. Fundamental training in the disciplines of the curriculum ensures the professionalism of future specialists.

  • Design and calculation of railcars
  • Digital technologies in professional activity
  • Technology of mechanical assembly production
  • Fundamentals of reliability theory
  • LHFD "Kotlas"
  • VHFD "Yudino"
  • LHFD7 "Saratov"
  • LHFD "Gorky Moskovsky"
  • Michurinsk-Uralsky passenger railcar depot
  • Astrakhan passenger railcar depot
  • Kostroma passenger railcar depot
  • Specialist in mechanical assembly technology in mechanical engineering
  • nondestructive testing specialist
  • passenger train manager
  • train safety auditor
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • LHFD "Moscow 3"
  • LHFD Moscow-Kievskaya"
  • LHFD "Kotlas"
  • LHFD "Yudino"
  • LHFD7 "Saratov"
  • LHRD "Gorky Moskovsky"
  • Michurinsk-Uralsky Passenger Railcar Depot
  • Astrakhan" passenger car depot
  • Passenger railcar depot "Kostroma"

The aim of the program is to train engineers-technologists. In the process of training, a universal specialist capable of solving the most complex production and economic tasks is formed. An engineer-technologist is a generalist professional capable of independently solving complex tasks related to professional activities and aimed at competitive technologies of production, maintenance and repair of railway vehicles. Such specialists are highly demanded in the modern labor market.

  • Transportation engineering technology
  • Technological equipment of enterprises for production and repair of rolling stock
  • Instrumental support of production and repair of rolling stock
  • Control of technological processes of production and repair of rolling stock
  • Organization of operation and repair of rolling stock
  • Technical diagnostics of rolling stock
  • Production organization and management
  • JSC Russian Railways
  • JSC First Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • LLC "STM-Service"
  • Process Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Service Engineer
  • Head of Technology Department
  • Head of Technical Department
  • Head of Repair Department
  • Chief Technologist
  • Chief Engineer
  • JSC Russian Railways
  • JSC First Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • STM-Service LLC

The aim of the program is to train engineers-technologists. In the process of training, a universal specialist capable of solving the most complex production and economic tasks is formed. An engineer-technologist is a generalist professional capable of independently solving complex tasks related to professional activities and aimed at competitive technologies of production, maintenance and repair of railway vehicles. Such specialists are highly demanded in the modern labor market.

  • Transportation engineering technology
  • Technological equipment of enterprises for production and repair of rolling stock
  • Instrumental support of production and repair of rolling stock
  • Control of technological processes of production and repair of rolling stock
  • Organization of operation and repair of rolling stock
  • Technical diagnostics of rolling stock
  • Production organization and management
  • JSC Russian Railways
  • JSC First Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • LLC "STM-Service"
  • Process Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Service Engineer
  • Head of Technology Department
  • Head of Technical Department
  • Head of Repair Department
  • Chief Technologist
  • Chief Engineer
  • JSC Russian Railways
  • JSC First Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Freight Company
  • JSC Federal Passenger Company
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • STM-Service LLC

Without a doubt, rail transportation is one of the most popular modes of transportation. However, have you ever thought about the people who enable us to travel around the world? Some of the most important professionals in this field are engineers. They design, build, and maintain the rolling stock that later takes you to your hometown or delivers your favorite product to the country. If you want to be part of this great system, you need to enroll in this program! The social role of the educational program is the training of highly qualified specialists of the managerial staff - the main personnel potential of the company, both railway transport and enterprises of other sectors of the economy, capable of adapting to the modern conditions of life, economic and technological development, successfully mastering related areas of professional activity by improving their qualifications and improving their professional skills and abilities.

  • Organization of operation and repair of electric transport
  • Technology of production and repair of electric transport
  • Locomotive engineering and quality management systems
  • Methodology of engineering and scientific work
  • Management of technical condition of electric transport
  • Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant, Locomotive Engineering Design Bureau - Branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Traction Directorate - Branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • MVPS-Service LLC
  • LocoTech LLC
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • Directorate of High-Speed Transportation - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Metropolitan State Unitary Enterprise
  • Central Directorate of Motorcar Rolling Stock - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Train Safety Auditor
  • Head of the production section for maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Specialist in operational management of a column of locomotive crews of traction rolling stock
  • Specialist in locomotive engineering machining technologies
  • Specialist in operational management of traction rolling stock delivery for trains
  • Employee for operational and technical accounting of locomotives, motor-car rolling stock operation
  • Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant, Locomotive Engineering Design Bureau - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Directorate of Traction - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • MVPS-Service LLC
  • LocoTech LLC
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • Directorate of High-Speed Transportation - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Metropolitan State Unitary Enterprise
  • Central Directorate of Motorcar Rolling Stock - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"

Without a doubt, rail transportation is one of the most popular modes of transportation. However, have you ever thought about the people who enable us to travel around the world? Some of the most important professionals in this field are engineers. They design, build, and maintain the rolling stock that later takes you to your hometown or delivers your favorite product to the country. If you want to be part of this great system, you need to enroll in this program! The social role of the educational program is the training of highly qualified specialists of the managerial staff - the main personnel potential of the company, both railway transport and enterprises of other sectors of the economy, capable of adapting to the modern conditions of life, economic and technological development, successfully mastering related areas of professional activity by improving their qualifications and improving their professional skills and abilities.

  • Organization of operation and repair of electric transport
  • Technology of production and repair of electric transport
  • Locomotive engineering and quality management systems
  • Methodology of engineering and scientific work
  • Management of technical condition of electric transport
  • Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant, Locomotive Engineering Design Bureau - Branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Traction Directorate - Branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • MVPS-Service LLC
  • LocoTech LLC
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • Directorate of High-Speed Transportation - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Metropolitan State Unitary Enterprise
  • Central Directorate of Motorcar Rolling Stock - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Train Safety Auditor
  • Head of the production section for maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock
  • Specialist in operational management of a column of locomotive crews of traction rolling stock
  • Specialist in locomotive engineering machining technologies
  • Specialist in operational management of traction rolling stock delivery for trains
  • Employee for operational and technical accounting of locomotives, motor-car rolling stock operation
  • Moscow Locomotive Repair Plant, Locomotive Engineering Design Bureau - branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Directorate of Traction - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • MVPS-Service LLC
  • LocoTech LLC
  • TMH-Service LLC
  • Directorate of High-Speed Transportation - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Metropolitan State Unitary Enterprise
  • Central Directorate of Motorcar Rolling Stock - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"