The basis of the modern world is information and communication. Today it is no longer enough to produce quality goods and services, it is necessary to inform potential consumers, partners and various target audiences about them. Graduates of Advertising and Public Relations are specialists in the field of effective communication, who are in demand in modern market conditions. They know how to build a communication strategy, interact effectively with the media, create original content, and shape public opinion. Students of the direction also receive the necessary knowledge and practical skills in the field of economics, politics, law, psychology, etc., which allows them to work successfully in various spheres.

  • Theory and practice of advertising
  • Technologies of advertising and public relations
  • Internet technologies in advertising and public relations
  • Fundamentals of media planning
  • Consulting in advertising and public relations
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Moscow City Government
  • OJSC Russian Railways
  • Redline PR Communications Agency
  • Fresh Russian Communications agency
  • JSC First Freight Company
  • PR specialist
  • Press service manager
  • SMM manager
  • Media manager
  • Copywriter
  • Brand manager
  • Event-manager
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Bailiff Service of Russia
  • All-Russian Union of Public Associations for Assistance to Strengthening State Unity "Russian Nation"
  • All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Mini-football of Russia"