Training of highly qualified personnel with knowledge of advanced global technologies, capable of solving new complex professional tasks and ready to bring the Russian economy to a new level of development on entrepreneurial activity in the innovation sphere. Support for the development and management of a product (group of products) of Industry 4.0. Project management in the technological sphere. Project management in enterprises of the economy sector. Management in the field of development and production of innovative technological products of Industry 4.0 using nanotechnologies. Resource management in the innovation sphere: innovation infrastructure, expenditures on new technologies, relations with suppliers and consumers, personnel, information security of Industry 4.0 VI technological mode resources, including big data analysis, machine learning, computer vision, parallel and distributed (cloud) computing, distributed registry, modeling and optimization of complex and dynamic systems, digital twins and digital footprint of cyber-physical systems, etc.

  • Planning, arranging, monitoring the stages of innovation activity implementation at all stages of innovation process – from research and development to commercialization of innovations in transport and other infrastructural branches of economy
  • Ability to track financial support of innovation activity, apply basic methods of financial management, management accounting on financing of innovation activity, analyze project efficiency in transport and other infrastructural branches of economy
  • Ability to carry out technological support of innovation activity and arrangement of innovative product execution, manage patents and intellectual assets, conduct technological audit in transport and other infrastructural sectors of the economy
  • Ability to analyze a project (innovation) as an object of management, to carry out business and strategic planning when creating and bringing to market a new product using information and telecommunication technologies in transport and other infrastructural sectors of the economy
  • Development Manager
  • Technology Broker
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Business Analyst (Innovation Processes)
  • Investment Consultant
  • Investment Manager
  • Research and development engineer of budgetary and commercial enterprises of municipal, regional and federal administration; subjects of innovation infrastructure: science cities, technology innovation zones, technoparks, technopoles, business incubators, development institutes
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Moscow Railroad
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • JSC "SiemensMobility", etc.