Upon completion of program you will receive the following professional skills: the ability to arrange and conduct certification tests and quality control of products and services; conducting system analysis of the quality of products, services and management systems and development of measures for its improvement; management of processes to ensure customer satisfaction; development and implementation of quality management systems in enterprises of different sizes, industry and forms of ownership; regulations and arrangement's development of risk assessment and selection of preventive measures of quality assurance measures.

The field of professional activity includes development, research, implementation and support in enterprises of all activity types and all forms of ownership of quality management systems. It covers all processes of the enterprises, involving in the activities for continuous quality improvement of all its employees and aimed at achieving long-term success and stability. Scientific research, production and engineering management, standardization and quality management, technical expertise, quality management, technical expertise, quality management systems in organizations of all types of activity and all forms of ownership.

  • System analysis of quality assurance processes
  • Statistical methods in quality management
  • IT in quality management and information protection
  • Quality management tools and methods
  • Process Management
  • Certification Testing and Quality Control
  • Metrology and standardization
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metropolitan"
  • European Quality Center
  • PJSC Mostotrest
  • JSC "National Center for Certification and Standardization"
  • Quality engineer (manager)
  • Quality specialist
  • Head of Quality Assurance Department
  • Head of Standardization Department
  • Quality management system certification specialist
  • Department of "Design, Construction, Reconstruction and Major Repair of Highways of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the MoE"
  • State Budgetary Institution "Mosavtodor"
  • State Budgetary Institution "MosTransProject"
  • State Institution "MoszhilNIIproekt"
  • CJSC "Most-S Construction Company"
  • "Central Directorate for Track Repair" – branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • "Privolzhskaya Railroad" – branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • OJSC "FPC"
  • "Bryansk Diesel Locomotive Company" LLC
  • MTF "Mostootryad-114"
  • PJSC "Gazprom"
  • Domodedovo International Airport named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
  • Russian Ministry of Defense
  • Institutions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations