The graduate of this program can apply the acquired skills and knowledge:

Transport (in the spheres of: engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of hydraulic structures and objects of coastal infrastructure of water transport, inland waterways maintenance; scientific research).

Ports, smart ports, modern technological equipment of ports and terminals, robotic complexes.

Graduates can carry out professional activity in other areas if the level of their education and acquired competencies correspond to the requirements for the qualification of an employee.

Tasks of professional activity:

  • research;
  • production and technological;
  • prospect;
  • design.
  • Ability to analyze the state and prospects of technical means and technologies' development used in ports
  • Ability to search for and analyze innovative solutions in the field of port transshipment equipment design and operation
  • Ability to develop and implement means ensuring digitalization of port technological processes
  • Ability to design hydraulic engineering structures and coastal infrastructure structures of water transport
  • Ability to analyze and develop design and operational regulatory and technical documentation of ports
  • Ability to set and solve engineering tasks at all stages of the life cycle (design, commissioning, operation, reconstruction, overhaul, technical re-equipment, abandonment and liquidation) of terminals and transshipment complexes of ports.
  • Ability to arrange engineering surveys, inspection and repair of water transport hydraulic structures
  • Ability to arrange and control technical operation, repair, reconstruction and modernization's quality of hydraulic structures, ports and transport terminals
  • Sea and river ports
  • New Moscow cargo port
  • Terminal complexes
  • Shipping enterprises
  • Transport enterprises implementing innovative technologies
  • Transport design enterprises
  • Ports of the Moscow-Oka Basin and the Central Federal District
  • CranePro-Engineering
  • Isothermik
  • EXPO
  • IKC Crane
  • Podjemtransservice
  • AUDTI Podemstroymekhanizatsiya
  • Troitsk crane factory
  • Soyuzmorniiproekt
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation