Engineering ecological training at RUT opens up a wide range of opportunities in various directions of ecological and industrial safety. The Department's graduates of "Chemistry and Engineering Ecology" are the implementers of the national project "Ecology" and ecological strategy of the Russian Federation:

  • Our graduates know how to reduce the amount of production and consumption waste and how to utilize it profitably;
  • They know how to reduce emissions and discharges of pollutants from industrial enterprises, including the transportation sector;
  • They have perfect knowledge of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of environmental management;
  • They are able to ensure the transition of industrial enterprises to the best available technologies in the field of environmental protection.
  • Design and development work on creation and protection improvement of humanity and nature from negative impacts
  • Operation of such means at the enterprise, optimization of their operation modes
  • Planning and implementation of environmental protection measures at the enterprise
  • Preparation and coordination of design and reporting documentation of the enterprise with regulatory authorities
  • Industry (including oil and gas sector), transport, design enterprises
  • Construction sector and urban economy
  • Entrepreneurship production of ecological goods and services
  • Service in state structures, controlling and supervisory bodies: Ministry of Natural Resources, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, environmental prosecutor's office, Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Activities on planning, arrangement, control and improvement of the occupational health and safety management system. Prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, reduction of exposure (elimination of exposure) of employees to harmful and hazardous production factors, occupational risk management.

  • Ensuring run time of the occupational health and safety management system in the enterprise
  • Regulatory support of safe working conditions and labor protection
  • Arrangement of employees' training in the field of occupational safety and health
  • Arrangement and implementation of measures aimed at reducing occupational risks
  • Assistance in ensuring the run time of the labor protection management system
  • Ensuring control of labor conditions and occupational safety at workplaces
  • Ensuring the investigation and recording of occupational accidents and occupational diseases
  • Junior occupational safety specialist
  • Occupational Safety Specialist
  • Chief (Leading) Occupational Safety Specialist
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Federal Service for Transport Supervision – Rostransnadzor
  • Association of enterprises engaged in transport safety activities "Transport Safety".
  • Research Institute of Labor Medicine named after Academician Izmerov N.F.
  • Design and Survey Institute of JSC "Mosgiprotrans".
  • Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia
  • "Siemens Mobility" LLC

Activities on planning, arrangement, control and improvement of the occupational health and safety management system. Prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, reduction of exposure (elimination of exposure) of employees to harmful and hazardous production factors, occupational risk management.

  • Ensuring run time of the occupational health and safety management system in the enterprise
  • Regulatory support of safe working conditions and labor protection
  • Arrangement of employees' training in the field of occupational safety and health
  • Arrangement and implementation of measures aimed at reducing occupational risks
  • Assistance in ensuring the run time of the labor protection management system
  • Ensuring control of labor conditions and occupational safety at workplaces
  • Ensuring the investigation and recording of occupational accidents and occupational diseases
  • Junior occupational safety specialist
  • Occupational Safety Specialist
  • Chief (Leading) Occupational Safety Specialist
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Federal Service for Transport Supervision – Rostransnadzor
  • Association of enterprises engaged in transport safety activities "Transport Safety".
  • Research Institute of Labor Medicine named after Academician Izmerov N.F.
  • Design and Survey Institute of JSC "Mosgiprotrans".
  • Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia
  • "Siemens Mobility" LLC