This program's purpose is to train bachelors for the electric power complex of the country taking into account the requirements of professional standards. Professionalism of future bachelors is determined by the study of fundamental disciplines in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering and specialized disciplines aimed at studying the device and principles of power supply systems, their assemblies and devices. Also, familiarity with modern digital technologies, methods of design and calculation of power supply devices. Advanced technical solutions in the field of their production, repair, operation, diagnostics and maintenance.

  • General power engineering
  • Electric power stations and substations
  • Overhead and cable power lines
  • Fundamentals of power supply
  • Maintenance of power supply devices
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • Structural subdivisions of "Transenergo" – a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • "Electrik" LLC
  • Possibility to do internships in other organizations that operate or design power supply systems
  • Electrical engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Engineer for operation of technical facilities (including Lead Engineer)
  • Project Engineer (including Chief Project Engineer)
  • Head of a site, service or subdivision
  • "Transenergo" – a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • Directorate for Capital Repair and Reconstruction of Railway Electrification and Power Supply Facilities – a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Design and Survey Institute for Electrification of Railways and Power Plants "Transelectroproekt" – a branch of JSC "Roszheldorproekt"
  • Moscow Electromechanical Plant "MEF"
  • JSC "Mosgiprotrans"