On this profile you can learn programming. Students study a wide range of software development areas from simple websites to complex web-applications and mobile applications. Students learn the most modern programming languages and tools: Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, Kotlin, Git, CI/CD, Docker, AndroidSDK, SpringBoot.

Graduate will be:

  • Able to develop mobile applications in Kotlin/Java programming language for Android operating system.
  • Able to develop backend web-applications in Java/C# programming language.
  • Able to develop frontend web-applications using HTML/CSS/JS.
  • Mobile application developer
  • Web-application developer
  • Frontend/backend developer
  • Siblion
  • Beeline

A graduate can work with IT in any industry. At least five programming languages, databases, operating systems are mastered. Hardware is studied – the work of microchips, microcontrollers, microprocessors. The work of computer networks with the use of real network equipment of the world's leading vendors is studied in depth.

Graduates will:

  • Possess knowledge in the field of research and design of new generation computing devices, systems and computer networks, including computing complexes and communication systems, distributed systems of information collection and processing, as well as in the field of methods and means of management of IT resources.
  • Be able to solve the problems of research, design and operation of computer systems, computer networks, automated control and management systems, systems of information support of product life cycle processes, software of computing machines, complexes, systems and networks.
  • Know the methods and technological features of building computing systems, administration of computer networks, support of operability and testing of software throughout the life cycle; features of modification and maintenance of IS; skills of routine work on the components of IS.
  • Web programmer
  • System Administrator
  • Programmer
  • System analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • System administrator of information and communication systems
  • Information Security Specialist
  • Software tester
  • Website administrator
  • HTML layout designer
  • Network Engineer
  • Computer hardware developer
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • JSC Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey"
  • PJSC "Sberbank"
  • PJSC "MTS"
  • JSC "MCST"
  • JSC "Informzaschita"
  • JSC "CROC"
  • JSC "Biznesinform"
  • JSC "Milandr"
  • PositiveTechnologies
  • JSC "Compass"
  • JSC "ITED"
  • State Budgetary Institution "GlavAPU"

Training data engineering professionals in the design and development of digital transportation business technologies.

  • Setting the objectives of data analytics in the field of transportation
  • Collection, processing, analysis and quality assessment of transportation data
  • Development of hypotheses and mathematical models for solving transportation problems
  • Building data-driven transportation management systems
  • Creation of IT infrastructure for databases

Graduate's possible future professions:

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Researcher (Data Science)
  • IT project manager
  • Head of analytical units in transport
  • Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure in Moscow
  • OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro"
  • Polymatika
  • JSC "Central SPC" , JSC "MT SPC"
  • JSC "FPC"
  • "RR-Technologies" LLC
  • APGRUPPLogistics
  • "UVLRobotics"
  • 2GIS

In the modern world, transport and cargo transportation have formed into an independent sector of the economy, which is dynamically developing. Currently, the transportation of goods is a complex and extensive system, the functioning of which is impossible without the use of digital services. IT solutions are being introduced into the work processes of the logistics industry, which help to calculate logistics chains more quickly, increase reliability and speed of deliveries, and much more. Such modern tools and technologies are called logistics 4.0, and the development and a "digital technologist" who has modern knowledge in the field of information technology and understands the need for their application in transport provides implementation of them in a transport company. Graduates of the Digital Engineering of Transport Processes program will be able to introduce into the transport and logistics industry and manage such digital technologies as intelligent transport systems (ITS), autonomous driving and unmanned transport systems, artificial intelligence, digital platforms, and drone delivery. They will be able to analyze big data and generate innovative services for the transport business based on new technological solutions.

  • Transport and cargo systems
  • Logistics
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Transport modeling
  • Big text data analysis and text search
  • Machine learning and data analysis
  • Databases and SQL basics
  • Python Programming Systems
  • Low-code and software robots
  • Department of Transport and Development of road Transport Infrastructure of the city of Moscow
  • TLC URAL-Continent LLC
  • LLC "VSM-Service"
  • JSC "Zheldorremmash"
  • System analyst (digital technologist)
  • Engineer of a logistics company
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • The Department of Informatization of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • The Center of corporate transport services of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • The Central Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex of OJSC "Russian Railways"
  • Russian Railways Logistics
  • Russian Railways Business Asset

You will possess analytical and creative thinking for software and hardware design support in the field of information technology, for calculation of structures and optimal management decisions in construction. Professionalism of future bachelors is ensured by fundamental training in programming, mathematics, digital and BIM technologies, basics of computer-aided design, mathematical and geometric modeling. Workers in the field of computer-aided design systems are among the most demanded in developed countries.

  • Basics of computer-aided design
  • Fundamentals of BIM-technologies
  • Models and methods of design solutions analysis
  • Geometrical modeling
  • Linguistic support of CAD
  • "BIM Academy" LLC
  • "GlavStroyEngineering" LLC
  • OJSC "Mosproekt-2"
  • OJSC "Mosproekt-3"
  • Design engineer
  • Project design engineer
  • BIM master
  • BIM project designer
  • BIM engineer
  • OJSC "Mosproekt-2"
  • OJSC "Mosproekt-3"
  • "BIM Academy" LLC
  • State Budgetary Institution in Moscow "Information City"
  • Institute "Moszheldorproekt" - branch of JSC "Roszheldorproekt"