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Mir Transporta (World of Transport and Transportation) Journal

Mir Transporta (World of Transport and Transportation) Journal (ISSN 1992-3252) has been issued quarterly since 2003 (registered in the Russian Ministry of mass media on December 20, 2002, PI №77-14165). It is founded by Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT).

Scientific and review articles, as well as other publications in the Journal refer to developments in transport and transportation sectors, theoretical foundations, fundamental and applied researches, innovations, information and industrial technology advancements in Russia and worldwide in the field of transports, in engineering and economic sciences.

The Journal contains sections published under standing headings: “Theory”, “Science and Engineering”, “Economics”, “Management and Administration”, “Safety and Security”, “Engineering Ecology”, “Education, Training and Personnel”, “History’s Wheel”, “Biblio-Directions”, and some alternate as hoc sections like “Development Guidelines”.

The scope of authors represents different modes of transport, academia, Universities, research organizations, transport administrations and transportation businesses form different Russian regions and foreign countries.

The Journal has been published quarterly since 2003, and bimonthly since 2013.

Since 2009 each article in the Journal has been followed by English contents, titles, information on the authors, their contacts, key words, and abstracts, since midyear 2014 each article has contained also a summary representing full or very slightly abridged and structured translation of Russian version (in some cases the formulae, pictures, tables, charts were not reproduced in English version, but Russian version contained underline bilingual captions), since Iss. 55 (#6 2014) all scientific articles have been translated into English in full.

Beginning with Volume 13 (2015, Iss.56) each article in the Journal (as well as all other publications) consists of a Russian text and an identical English text, both accompanied by abstracts, key words, references, and information about the authors.

The Journal is part of a Russian List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals intended for publication of the results of Ph.D. and D.Sc. theses, as well as of Russian scientific citation index system.

The Journal’s circulation is 1000 copies.

The Journal is distributed by subscription and delivered by the editor to Russian and foreign technical and transport Universities, most Russian national and regional technical libraries, as well as to a number of foreign libraries, public administrations, transport companies. The Journal is not sold by retail; hard copies can be acquired through editorial office on demand.

The open accessed full texts of the articles (in Russian since 2009 and in English since 2014-15) as well as the abstracts and key information in English since 2009 are available at the Web site of the Russian scientific electronic library at http://elibrary.ru (upon free registration, Russian interface, page of the Journal is http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8865 ). The full-scale English Web-site of the Journal in the Internet is under construction and will be available during 2015.

Editorial council

Boris A. Lievin, D. Sc. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia, chairman

Boris V. Gusev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, deputy chairman, Moscow, Russia

Valentine I. Galahov, D Sc. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia, executive secretary

Ivan S. Besedin. Ph.D. (Engineering), JSC Russian Railways , Moscow, Russia

Fedor S. Gomankov, Ph.D. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Alexander A. Gorbunov, D. Sc (Political Science), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Nickolay A. Duhno. LL.D., professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Dmitry G. Evseev, D. Sc. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Leonid A. Karpov, Ph.D. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Vladimir I. Kolesnikov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of Rostov State University of Railway Engineering, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Constantine L. Komarov, D. Sc. (Engineering), professor of Siberian State University of Railway Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia

Bakytzhan M. Kuanyshev, D.Sc. (Engineering), professor of Kazakh Academy of transport and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Boris M. Lapidus, D. Sc. (Economics), professor, JSC Russian Rail Research Institute, Moscow, Russia

Valery P. Maltsev, D. Sc. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Leonid B. Mirotin, D. Sc. (Engineering), professor of Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (MADI), Moscow, Russia

Natalia P. Tereshina, D. Sc. (Economics), professor of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Tran Dac Su, D.Sc. (Engineering), professor of the University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam

Editorial board

Boris A. Lievin, editor-in-chief

Valentine I. Galahov, first deputy editor -m-chief

Evgeny Yu. Zarechkin, deputy editor-in-chief

Leonid A. Baranov

Mikhail M. Bolotin

Vladimir N. Koturanov

Natalia C.Oleynik, secretary of the board

Ivan A. Glazov, editor

Information on submission of the articles, editorial politics and ethics

TERMS of submission of the articles and their pubLication, EDITORIal POLITICS AND ETHICS (as revised on 18.12.2014, 19.02.2015 г., adapted)


Publication of all accepted scientific, research articles, reviews in Mir Transporta Journal is free of charge for all the authors, including Ph.D. students and candidates. Meanwhile no author’s royalties are paid by editorial board, except for specially ordered reviews and other publications.

Research articles should be focused on revealing of the results of original, independent researches, conducted by the authors, on presenting new fundamentals, new solutions of scientific and practical problems, but should not be limited to survey of existing bibliography, finished researches of third parties, research approaches, play a role of reviews. New character of a problem or of an approach to its study, conclusions and proposals, suggested guidelines of implementation of results of research should be based on argumentation, eventually supported by approbation of results and by their implementation.

Reviews (survey articles) should be based on a range of sources and references, that should be as wide and up-to-date as possible and selected on the basis of unbiased criteria. Reviews should reflect modern spectrum of national and international researches in a given field, offer their analysis, contain author’s opinion on outlook for different vectors of research and other conclusions. Discriminative approach to selection of sources and references, rejection of inclusion of analysis of results that contradict scientific positions of an author or proposed conclusions, are not admissible.

All articles should contain references to the authors of works, articles, and researches, used during editing of an article. The sources should be cited. The use of fragments of the texts borrowed from other works, of references to the opinions of other authors and previous researches, of tables, figures, illustrations, can’t be made without reference to initial works that contained them. The authors should use maximum spectrum of available up-to-date scientific data relevant for the research topic. Editorial board and reviewers of the articles pays particular attention to conformity of the number of references to the contents of an article, to their updated character (number of recently published works among cited references), range of international sources.

Editorial board asks authors to specially mention if any particular ideas or developments described in the articles were achieved through teamwork or co-authorship.

Editorial board asks authors to submit exact data for publication, acknowledgements and mentions if the researches (fully or partially) have been realized in the frame of grants or funding awarded on competitive basis, accorded to the authors. The relevant acknowledgments are published on the demand of the authors as well as at discretion of the editorial board.

Regardless of reasonable describing of a new technology applied at industrial sites, research and scientific article, reviews should not contain elements of commercial publicity, advertisement, and either commercial offers. The editorial board reserves the right to remove such fragments out of the text.

The editorial board reserves the right to edit texts of the articles, to modify, change and abridge them, to address authors while editing texts to get necessary explanations, to accompany articles with editorial comments, to determine at its own discretion sections of the Journal where an article will be published.

The editorial board does its best to publish articles in reasonable time, but taking into account reviewing process, and great number of submitted texts, terms of editing could not be shortened. The exact time of publication depends on necessity to revise article according to review’s results, number of articles awaiting publication within a given section of the Journal. This process is common for all submitted articles, and the editorial board can't proceed with any exceptions following special demands of some authors. Thus editorial board asks potential authors to take time factors in consideration and to submit articles in due time, well ahead of possible publication.

Full-text open-accessed version of the Journal is transmitted to Russian scientific electronic library, other systems of open accessed journals, is processed by the systems of scientific citation indexes.


Due to some reasons, both technical and substantive, the editorial board requires to limit umber of the authors to three co-authors. If there is a reasonable need to have more co-authors or to mention contribution of a number of researchers to relevant research, which results were used for editing an article, either to publish special acknowledgments to persons having contributed to the article, the editorial board requires to make special notice in attached accompanying letter, providing information on full names, affiliation, titles of researchers whose contribution should be mentioned.

The title of an article should be short enough, should reflect main contents of the article, new authors’ approach to achieving research’s objectives, still containing not more than 4-5 words. Developments of the ideas containing in the title should be described in the abstract. The editorial board reserves the right to modify and edit the title, particularly by coordinating editing with the authors in case of major modifications.

Research articles should be structured into logically linked sections: background (previously conducted researches in relevant field, relevance, topicality of the described research, practical and/or fundamental problems for which solutions should be found); the objective (-s) of the article (research); scientific and research methods used; results (main section of the article dedicated to description of achieved results); conclusions (summary of the results with fundamental, experimental, or applied conclusions, proposals for further discussion, further potential directions of research etc.).

Bibliographical references should be conforming to state standards (GOST R (7.0.5–2008). The authors should check bibliographical data with the sources of citations; avoid mentioning partial, uncompleted data. Mentioning of sources or their citation in the text should be followed by the number [taken in square brackets] which designates a work in references’ list placed at the end of the paper. If it is necessary, the number designating the work in the list of references is followed by point, and a number designating page (-s) in cited work (e.g. [1] [1, 2] [3, p. 127]). References are offered as in their native language without translation. A reference should be written in the format that follows: Author’s last name, first name (initials). Title of the book or of an article (or Name of the article in: Title of the book), town, name of publication house (or title of a journal), year, Vol. or/and Iss. (for journals) total number of pages, number of a page that is cited (if any).

E.g., Smith, Arthur B. Interesting facts. London, Publishers, 2015, 158 p., p.23-34.

Or: Smith, A.B. Interesting fact in: Collection of interesting facts. London, Publishers, 2015, 158 p., p.23.

Or: Smith, A.B. Interesting facts. Journal of Facts, 2015, Vol.24, Iss15, pp. 28-34.

Bibliography list (References) at the end of the paper is edited according to the order of first mentioning of the work in the text (and not on Alphabet order). References of other kind (e.g. comments, interpretation of terms) are marked by numbers 1 following commented word or phrase, their text being placed at the bottom of a relevant page, and have consecutive numbering from beginning to the end of the paper.

Recommended volume of a paper should be not less than 6 pages and should not exceed 24 pages of vertically oriented text of A4 format (Times New Roman or similar font type, 14 pt, spacing 1,5; all margins 2 cm), including tables, charts, illustrations. Eventually the papers exceeding 24 pages can be accepted by consent of the editorial board and published in two parts in two consecutive issues of the Journal.

It is possible to create a special horizontally oriented section (pages in the text) for voluminous illustrations and tables. Illustrations, charts, diagrams should be made with computer graphics. Scanned illustrations and hand designed pictures are not admissible with exception for really unique pictures, charts. The volume of illustrations is taken into account in the overall volume of the article. Authors should respect reasonable ratio of text, illustrations, mathematical apparatus, determined by the topic, objective and content of the article.

The format of images sent to the editorial board should allow their editing and translation of legends, captions, designations.

All pictures, photographs, diagrams, graphs, charts, in addition to the insertion in the main text of the article in preview mode, should also be provided as separate files in the original format (e.g., chart Microsoft Office, and not as an image or a picture; all tables must be edited in Excel format and cannot be duplicated in a separate file). All files (text, raster and vector image) relating to the publication, should be placed in one folder. The publication should not contain any unnecessary and identically named files (including interim results).

In connection with the launch of a full-color version of the journal image files should be submitted to the editorial board in color mode (RGB or CMYK), this requirement may not apply only to the most simple graphics. Images must be in raster (JPEG, TIFF, BMP) at 300 dpi or vector (EPS, CDR, AI) format without LZW-compression; images should be merged by layers, vector fonts should be converted to outlines (curves). Each illustration, diagram, picture should be numbered using consecutive numbering starting from the very beginning of the article and should always have a caption or title of the table.

All complicated formulae in the article should be typed with formulae editor MathType (version not lower MathType 6.8) and in the same size (100%), not exceeding standard 14 pt. text, be centered in the middle of the page and have consecutive numbering in brackets after each formula (simple formulas should be typed in Latin letters directly in the line without numbering). E.g.:

А2 + В2 = С2 (2)

Formulae should make maximum use of common Latin characters, including as index. The authors considered it necessary to preserve the Russian-language writing of formulae should propose to the editorial board amended versions of its performance in the international writing (editors reserve the right to translate formulae in Latin transcription for the English version).

The authors should use standard terminology of the relevant firld of sciences. Foreign language terms, if there is no commonly accepted translation into English or at the discretion of the author (-s) (e.g. names of research organizations, companies, administrations, personal names), can be given in brackets in their original form.

If abbreviation or abridged name is cited for the first time in the text, it is necessary to put full name before.


While suggesting articles to editorial board author (-s) should provide for submission of:

- a hard paginated copy of the article signed by all the authors, and its completely identical electronic copy edited with MS Word 6 or its newer versions and recorded on electronic media (hard copies may be mailed to “Redaktsia jurnala Mir transporta, MIIT, ul.Obraztsova, 9, str.9, Moscow, 127994, Russia or handed in to the editorial secretariat; e-copies may be transmitted personally, by mail, or by e-mail to mirtr@mail.ru );

- * personal data of the author (-s): full name, academic degree (in full – as the abbreviations differ from country to country, e.g. Doctor of Medicine); academic title (if title is awarded personally and independently of affiliation by independent body), affiliation (e.g. professor of the University of A.; director of the company N. etc.), town, country, and any other data, merits etc., deemed to be important by the author (-s);

- picture of the author(s) (color portrait of not less than 60x70 mm, always of a good definition (300 dpi), clear, hard background; only in electronic form);

- UDC number (Universal Decimal Classification) if available to the author; otherwise editorial board will consider and publish it at own discretion;

- key words (not more than 6-8 words or short phrases, most relevant to the main contents and methodology of the article; suggestion of more key words than indicated is subject to editorial approval);

- abstract (laconic, structured summary of the contents of the article, the structure of which corresponds to the requirements to the structure of the article set forth below), editorial board having right to change contents of the abstract. Abstract should contain key contents of the article and of relevant research: background, importance, relevance, subject, objectives, tasks, methods, main results, conclusions and/or proposals);

- * contact information of (each) author intended for publication within the article (strictly necessary are office mail address and e-mail; while publishing of office or mobile phone numbers are up to the discretion of the author (-s));

- * contact information of (each) author intended strictly for exchange of letters and contacts with editorial board (mobile or office phone numbers, e-mail address; mail address to which authors’ hard copies of the journal will be sent after publication); will never be published without prior consent of the author (-s);

- ** two copies of license agreement correctly filled-in and signed by an author (if there are some authors, each author signs two copies in his own name; no copy of license agreement could be signed by two, neither more authors simultaneously, as each of them concedes his or her individual intellectual rights).

There are two ways to submit an article.

Firstly, the author (-s) can submit an e-copy by e-mail for preliminary consideration by the editorial board. The author can submit only the text, abstract, references, key words, brief information on the authors and their affiliation, together with brief contact information. The editorial board considers formal conformity of an article with editorial requirements above, checks if the article is a research or scientific article, whether it is conform to fields of sciences relevant to the journal, contains necessary citations etc. At this stage no evaluation of the research contents itself is made. This preliminary consideration results either in acceptance of an article for further consideration and peer-reviewing, either in sending comments asking for modification and revision, or in refusal if the article doesn’t meet basic requirements. If at that stage article is preliminarily accepted for further reviewing, then a form of license agreement is sent to the author (-s), and the editorial board awaits for the set of documents (including hard copies as well).

Another possibility for the author is to send all the set of required documents (except for license agreement) comprising necessary hard copies. In that case the editorial board considers the article as described above and after positive consideration sends back a form of a license agreement for filling in.

* Information marked with * is a mandatory part of terms of a license agreement so it can be sent either as separate files or be submitted as part of duly filled license agreement.

** if article is first submitted as e-text for preliminary consideration of the editorial board and then accepted for further consideration and reviewing, then a form of a license agreement can be sent by the editorial board, and the author can submit filled-in agreement within a set of hard copies; if the article and necessary hard copies were first mailed to the editorial board, then license agreement is sent upon reception of the hard copies and the author (-s) should sent it with additional mail.

While submitting an article author (-s) can at his (their) own discretion suggest additional papers, e.g. references of academic department outlining importance of a paper’s topic, its conformity with research topic, containing recommendations to accept the article etc. Research institute or academic organization can attach an accompanying letter to the paper of its affiliated researcher. The author can send an anonymized copy intended for reviewing process. Submitting or absence of those documents doesn’t influence necessity and mandatory character of peer review of the article and doesn’t affect its results.

The date of reception published in the article is the date when all mandatory documents*** are received.

*** Mandatory hard copies received by the editorial board should be: text of the article signed by the authors and license agreement, other documents can be e-mailed. The date of reception of a scanned copy of duly signed by the author (-s) license agreement by e-mail can satisfy this requirement, but the hard copy of the agreement should arrive to editorial board before publication of the article.

In case when the author is interested to substantiate scientific priority for patent applying, protection of his intellectual property rights, he should write a special letter to the editorial board asking to take into account and publish the date of reception of the first submission of e-variant of the article along with the date of effective reception.

Acceptance date published in the article is the date by which the following conditions have been met:

- positive peer review result;

- article is revised according to remarks contained in review (-s) and editorial board’s comments.

The fact of submitting of the article to editorial board further followed by signing of license agreement is deemed equal to consent of the author with the terms of submission and publication as described above.


All articles, preliminary accepted for consideration by the editorial board, are subject to mandatory reviewing, which is double-blind review process by peer reviewers who are not affiliated with the authors (reviewer doesn’t know the identity of the author (-s) and his (their) affiliation; the article is submitted for review in anonymized form; to do so the editorial board uses special version of the article removing names, affiliations, eventually geographic details, references, other details that can result in identification of the author (-s). The author (-s) is not informed about the reviewer’s identity). The reviewers are known experts in specific fields having at least publications during last 3 years on relevant topics. Editorial board tries to have more than 1 peer review if available. Normally reviewing process can take up to 2-3 months. The author is informed (e.g. by e-mail) about the main contents of a review (or summary of 2 and more reviews), particularly when it is negative or suggests revisions. After revisions made by the author the editorial board resends revised article to previous reviewer or addresses a new one. In case of doubts of editorial board about the impartiality of received review editorial board can address another reviewer. If two received reviews are contradictory, then the decision is made at discretion of the editorial board. The article is deemed to be finally accepted and the editorial board starts planning its publication in a given issue if the review (taking into account above mentioned process) is generally positive.

The editorial board keeps reviews for at least 5 years and transmits them to the Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation upon relevant request.

Editorial board draws authors’ attention to mandatory requirement that suggested articles should be original. Previously published articles as well as publications of the same authors, having same title, identical contents, major duplications of the text from previously published articles of the same authors, reproduction of their own texts without necessary references, are not acceptable. The submitted articles should not be submitted by the authors at the same time to other editions. If cases of that kind will be revealed, the editorial board will reject publication. An author from his part is free to recall an article and withdraw publication.

The editorial board keeps all articles and issues, mandatory copies are available according to due procedure.


Dear Readers,

In Russia and CIS countries you can subscribe to the journal Mir Transporta (World of Transport and Transportation) at any post office using JSC Rospechat catalogues:

- “Newspapers. Journals” using subscription index 80812;

- “Scientific and engineering information” using subscription index 60790.

If you want to receive our journal in other countries please send a letter to the editorial board to mirtr2mail.ru, we’ll try to consider possible variants.

Supplement "Soiskatel"

The Journal Mir Transporta (World of Transport and Transportation) has a periodical supplement “Soiskatel” intended for publishing papers of Ph.D. students, Ph.D. candidates, proceedings and papers of scientific conferences, regulations of Russian attestation commission.

The open accessed full texts of the articles (in Russian since 2009 and in English since 2014-15) as well as the abstracts and key information in English since 2009 are available at the Web site of the Russian scientific electronic library at http://elibrary.ru (upon free registration, Russian interface, page of the Journal is http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=26880 ). The articles wil be available also at full-scale English Web-site of the Journal Mir Transporta in the Internet which is now under construction and will be available during 2015.


Editorial board of Mir Transporta (World of Transport and Transportation Journal)

Phone: +7 495 684-28-77

E-mail: mirtr@mail.ru

Post address: Mir Transporta Journal, Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, ulitsa Obraztsova, 9, str. 9, Moscow, 127994, Russia